Chapter 2

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When everything finally went right, everything went wrong.

Ellie blamed Beth.

After their meeting the informant (which Ellie still felt a bit ashamed off) they decided to immediately go to hotel Papillon.

Beth wouldn't stop whining about how her feet hurt, so in the end they decided to hire a cab. Which Ellie had to pay of course.

They told the cab they had to go to hotel Papillon, and fortunately the driver knew where it was. He also had some information.

'Are you sure you have to go to Papillon? You don't look very rich.' The driver asked.

'Excuse me?' Beth said, but Ellie was glad for the information; apparently, hotel Papillon was only for rich people. Which meant they were totally undressed.

'Didn't mean it like that. A lot of mafia scum is in that hotel. You better stay away from them.'

Beth chuckled under their breath, but luckily the driver didn't hear it. 'You could better go somewhere else. I swear, hotel Papillon is not the safest hotel in the city.'

The hotel may not be safe, but it was big and beautiful.

When they stepped out of the cab, which drove away immediately, they stood before a big white hotel with 7 floors. There was a parking lot full of big, expensive cars. The path that lead to the hotel was a red carpet, which made Ellie feel like she was some sort of popstar, and at both sides of the carpet stood one beautiful fountain and a lot of roses. Ellie couldn't help but admire the architecture of the building and the beauty of the garden..

'It's beautiful.' She said. Beth nodded in agreement. 'Yeah, it's pretty rad.'

Ellie had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. Pretty rad, was she serious? She shook her head and walked into the hotel, with Beth behind her like a lost pup.

The hotel was bigger on the inside (doctor who reference not intended). There was a great hall with high ceilings, a beautiful chandelier and white leather sofa's. The walls were a creamy colour, and the carpet under their feet was white and o so soft (you know a hotel is luxe if they have soft carpet).

At the end of the room stood some in check reception, with pretty ladies behind them, all with buns and red lipstick and forced smiles. Ellie held her head high, trying to ignore the fact she was wearing a Hogwarts t-shirt in a chic hotel, and walked to the reception, Beth still trailing behind her.

Ellie walked towards the girl who looked the friendliest – with big brown doe eyes and blonde hair – and smiled at her politely.

'Hello, we had an appointment with the person in room 60.'

It was a big risk, because they didn't even know their name or gender, but to her luck the girl wasn't only the friendliest, she was also not so smart.

She would do terrible in the mafia business.

'Miss Queen, you mean? She currently isn't in her room.'

'Do you know when she comes back?' Beth asked.

The girl smiled at Beth. 'Around 8 o' clock, for dinner.'

Ellie glanced at the big clock behind the reception and saw it was 7 o' clock at the moment. They had one hour to search the room.

'Thank you for your help. We will wait by their room.'

'Do you have a key to the room, miss?'

That's when Ellie had a brilliant idea, if she had to say so herself. She patted her pockets, then turned to look at Beth. 'Did you get the keys?'

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