Chapter 3

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Beth opened her eyes, but immediately shut them tight again upon seeing so much light at once.

Even though she was wide awake, she wanted to go to sleep again, and she had two very good reasons:
1. Her head hurt like hell. Jesus, couldn't someone give her a pain killer or was that too much to ask?
2. She had no idea where she was and who she was with; her mind was completely blank.

For a moment, her mind stayed blank, until she remembered everything again. The alliance with Ellie. The hotel. The shootings. And then the fall in the river (no, Beth wasn't crazy. Jumping from a sic story building into a river isn't crazy, shut up)

How were they still alive?
Wait, was Ellie alive?

She opened her eyes quickly, and was shocked when she saw a huge grinning face above her. Ellie?

But the girl definitely wasn't Ellie; although they both had blue eyes and brown hair, the girl's hair was much darker and her eyes much lighter. It wasn't until she noticed the cloak that she remembered who the girl was.

"Lexi?" She asked, mentally slapping herself for not noticing it sooner. Lexi grinned and turned around.

"Hey El, good news, your companion is awake!"

Beth looked at the person standing behind Lexi, drying her hair and rolling her eyes. "And how is that good news?"

"O Ellie, as charming as ever." Beth said and looked around. She was lying next to a river shore, but the hotel wasn't in plain sight. Instead of big hotels and giant business offices, around them were houses and apartments. The suburbs.

"How did you even find us?" Beth asked, sitting up and looking at her "savior", who was sitting next to her. Said person grinned and pulled something from her pocket; a mobile phone. She unlocked it and showed the phone to Beth; displayed on the tiny screen was a tiny flickering dot on a map. It took Beth a moment to realize what it was.

"You used Find Your Friends? Seriously?" She asked, a bit amazed. Who knew she would ever come to like Apple's (mostly) useless standard apps?

Lexi just shrugged. "It worked, didn't it?"

"She asked one of her hackers to hack into my system, just so her friend request could be accepted. You know, you could have just asked me!" Ellie said, glaring at Lexi. Beth noticed that when Ellie was angry, her British accent got even thicker, but decided not to mention that.

Lexi smirked and looked unfazed under the girl's glare. "Be a little thankful, I just saved your asses."

"Thank you, o great holy Lexi" Beth said, folding her hands together. "God bless ya"

Lexi chuckled and Ellie rolled her eyes. Beth stood up, followed by Lexi.

"So, did you find something at the hotel?"

Upon hearing that Ellie piped up and looked at Beth. "Yes, care to tell us what you found?"

Beth nodded and got the crumpled paper out of her pocket, which for some reason was still readable even though they jumped into the river. Beth handed the paper to Ellie, who took it and frowned while reading it. Lexi looked over her shoulder so she could read it too.

Lexi nodded dramatically. "Random words and numbers, this sure is a lot of information! But, ehh, what does it mean?"

Ellie was muttering to herself, but Beth couldn't hear her. She assumed Ellie was trying to figure out the meaning of the paper. To be honest, they didn't make sense to Beth either;

Lotus casino

"Well, Lotus casino is obviously a casino," Lexi said, "and maybe it means 18,30 dollar? But what does tha-"

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