Chapter 4

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Bad news: usually I read my chapter again the day after I've read it, but I really wanted to post this chapter, so forgive me if there are any spelling / grammar mistakes!

Good news: this chapter is probably the longest chapter I've ever written; it's over 5000 words! See it as my gift bc I haven't updated this tory for such a long time!

Anyway, enough talking, Enjoy!

The boy, Kort, grinned even more. "Lexi! It's so good to see you!" Then, he ran to Lexi and hugged her, which surprised Ellie so much she didn't say anything but just stared.

Lexi chuckled and patted his head. "It's good to see you too kid"

When Kort finally let go he was smiling up at Lexi. Beth, being the nice person she is, decided to break that bonding moment by coughing.

Kort turned around and grinned at her, then practically ran towards her and frantically shook her hand.

"Hey miss it's so nice to meet you! Can I call you miss or do you prefer dude? What's your name? Can I say I just love your hair? Is it your natural colour or did you dye it? " He said so fast Ellie almost couldn't understand it.

Beth looked startled for a moment, then answered. "Umm, you can call me Beth. Not dude, definitely not miss, just Beth. Also, I dyed it. Got bored of my plain hair. But, ehh, can you let go of my hand?"

Kort's grin didn't waver when he took his hand away. "Certainly mi- I mean, Beth!"

Beth shook her hand, irritation clear on her face. "I'm sorry, but umm, what are you doing here?"

"Well, that's my house you were knocking on!"

Beth looked at Lexi questionably. "This little kid is our bomb expert?"

Lexi smirked and shrugged. Kort however looked offended, the grin finally gone from his face. "I'm not a little kid!"

"You look like you're twelve!"

"I'm 18!"

"18? That means you can't even legally drink!"

Kort raised an eyebrow, while grinning again (how he could grin so much, Ellie didn't know). "I don't drink"

Beth gasped dramatically and leaned on Ellie, fanning her face with her hand. "O Ellie, did you hear that? He doesn't drink! We have to find another bomb expert!"

Ellie decided this wasn't the time to tell her she didn't drink either. Instead, she pushed Beth away, who looked offended, while studying Kort, from his excited expression, to his shaggy blond hair and hazel eyes. After a moment, Ellie nodded to Kort.

"You'll do. Let's make a plan."

Kort's grin was blinding as he opened the door to his apartment and walked in, followed by a smirking Lexi.

Ellie turned around to Beth, who just stood there and looked back. "He doesn't drink." She mumbled with a scowl before walking after the other two.

Ellie rolled her eyes and followed, closing the door behind her.

"So you guys are mafia bosses?" Kort said grinning, practically jumping from excitement.

Kort's apartment was- chaotic, to say the least. The living room consisted of different colours: one dark blue wall, one light green, one yellow and one white. All of them were filled with photos; Kort with his friends, Kort with his family, Kort on graduation day etcetera. The furniture in the living room was unique; from the bright yellow table filled with pink cups that smelled faintly of coffee to the comfy dark green chair Kort was bouncing on, to the bright red sofa Beth and Ellie claimed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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