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The first murder wasn't so obvious. It seemed like something any wolf could do - 3 deep slashes running down the victim's chest. Or maybe 'slashes' wasn't the right way to put it. 3 deep claw scratches? No, 'scratches' was much too weak of a description. L had never examined a dead body in person before, but he could say that it was much different that viewing pictures of one via the internet. For one, it was much more...bloody. Oh, and it was also more real. 3d instead of 2d.
Originally, the local investigators had come up with this explaination for the death:
14 days ago, at around 2 am, a 14 year old girl named Carly Clue stumbled into the woods and was attacked a wolf, that dragged her body back into town unoticed. To L, it seemed a little plausible. There was a bloodstain coming from the body leading all the way to the woods. The marks on her chest seemed like the doing of a wolf. The shocked expression plastered on her lifeless face seemed like the one L wore himself when he first came in contact with a wolf. So, the hypothesis was... plausible. But something about the entire scenario itself seemed super off to L. If the wolf had caught its prey, why not just eat it then and there? And what reason would any wolf have to drag its victim into town? That made him believe that the killer was very, very much human. He'd seen this before. Yes, he'd seen it many times before. A killer publicizing their murder. They did it for attention. But, they made the fact that they were human very subtle. Which means they didn't do it for attention, but they did to see if anyone could find out if they were human. After coming up with this theory of his own, L approached the one of the lead investigarors who looked very proud of himself. Maybe because it was him who asumed that it was a wolf that killed the girl. Yeah, that was probably it.
"Your wrong." L told him, observing the investigator's smile dissolve.
"Excuse me?"
"Your wrong. About Carly Clue's death." And with those words the investigator looked as if someone had squeezed out his pride.


"So what your saying is, a human killed Carly Clue?" The lead investigator, whom L now knew as Brian Lee questioned, a hint of disbelief in his tone.
"Yes, sir." L replied monotonically, bring a rather large spoonful of cake into his mouth.
"Young man, how do you know this?"
"Ask yourself this question sir, why would a wolf kill someone, but refrain from eating them?" L asked, a serious expression glowing in his eyes.
"...Perhaps Clue was attacking it before she was killed. It could have just been defense."
"Incorrect. There were no weapons found in Clue's possession, and according to Clue's mother, she was weak in the art of magic, so she couldn't have used that either."
"But-" L quickly cut him off before he could say something improbable.
"Now ask yourself this, what reason would any wolf have to haul its victim out into the town they live in? This behavior has never been seen in wolves before."
"The killer obviously was trying to prove something."
"You make it sound like they want attention! But if that's the reason, why did the killer have to go through the trouble of disguising his killing to make it look like a wolf was the culprit?"
"No, not attention. That's not what the killer wanted."
"Then what is it may I ask!?" Brian yelled causing L to flinch.
"To prove themselves superior to others in this town."
"The killer made their murder visible to everyone in the town, yet they played the part of a wolf while killing the victim. They want to see if anyone can figure out that he is really human."

-14 days earlier-

Light winced as the early morning sun light made contact with his eyes. Yes, sometimes, he blinded himself. It was a month since he found himself here in this...strange world. A world in which magic was so real it was sometimes tangible. And a world in which 'Deathnotes' were not. Of course, for him it was a long month that taught him many things. Trivial thinks like, never water any flowers in this world or they'll explode, or talk loudly when you need to buy something at the cafe or the half def clerk won't hear you and give you a bag of popcorn instead of potato chips. But mostly he learned important things like humans are forgiving, and people are kind. Certainly much kinder and more forgiving than how he was to those criminals in his last life.
But as he got up off his bed, there was a banging on the door. Light grogily answered it.
"Light! It's horrible you have to come see it!" Said Akise, Light's apartment neighbor, with tears rolling out of his honey brown eyes. Akise was 21, and he was crying. This must be pretty bad, Light thought. So he slid on his shoes and climbed down the stairs of his very royal and fairytale looking apartment building and looked in the direction Akise was pointing. Blood. A trail of it. Leading right to the body of a young girl. Her chest looked almost ripped open by claw marks, and the grim expression etched onto her face was enough to scare Light into crying a little as well.
He hadn't seen something like this in a long time.


"Name?" A deep voice asked, unfaltering.
"Yagami Light, sir." Light replied, keeping calm.
"Why do you want to work with us on this investigation?"
"Because...I've seen what this killer has done, and I want to bring them to...justice."

-1 day later-

"Silence everyone." The low murmur in the room slowed to a stop and everyone's head was turned towards Brian Lee.
"We have a new theory and well a new 'detective' *cough*whohasnoexpirience*cough* working on the case." Lee looked to L who was seated strangely in a crouched position on his chair. "Would you like to introdice yourself? And explain the theory while your at it." He ordered with a little annoyance in his tone.
"Yes sir." L said, standing on top of his chair. Several people in the room raised their eyebrows, while others laughed quietly. "I am Ryuzaki, and I believe that Carly Clue was killed not by a wolf, but by a human."
Light stared in disbelief. Detective? Ryuzaki? Black hair? Dark circles? Strange behavior? It can't be...L is that you?

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