Prologue: The start of it all, then the end.

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I travel on plenty of missions, there he is. I cook a meal for myself, there he is. I am scolding Naruto, and there he is. In any sort of daily actions I may be in, Sasuke is always in the vast shadows of my head. When it comes to down time and I am all alone, he is there, nothing else comes to my mind.
The moon was full and carried a lonely aura along with it; the sky shown many stars to dance with the faded clouds. I lay by a lone and rugged oak tree surrounded by miles of proud green grass that sway in sync with the wind. The Leaf Village is about a mile traveling South, and with this foggy weather makes it an adventure.
I adjust myself to a sitting position leaning against the tree in order to look towards the moon for a peace in my mind. I do often come with Naruto or Hinata here and converse about our dreams and hopes. Tonight, though, I am here alone from the result of it being precisely two years since Sasuke's descent. I truly do want him to seek his glory and find what be has been seeking. So, when it comes to my yearning for his company, I try to realize he needs this experience and I should rely on time. On the other hand, I would give anything to chop this tree down from all this impatience I have been holding back.

I run my hand through my pink hair and stand up. My hands draw towards my side purse and grab two kunai knives. In order to let some steam off, I leap into the air and throw the knives in to dark void. I quickly clench my fists and bring them to the kunai and punch as hard as I possibly could. The kunai were never to be seen again, only their remaining divisions floating in the air. Landing, I inhale and exhale rapidly until I quickly stop, sensing someone's presence. My body tenses until I hear,
"Hi Sakura! Nice punch." Only Naruto.

"Uh, Hello Naruto, I Could have sworn you and Hinata were on a date."
The blonde blushes and answers, "We did go on a date, that was a few hours ago. Do you realize how late it is?"
I look to the moon and judging by its position, it was only 9:00 pm. I return my gaze to Naruto and realize his expression was off, and that is really saying something.
I raise my right eyebrow, "Why are you playing with my head?"
He laughs mischievously and starts running in the direction of the village. I follow him due to my ridiculous childish curiosity that will probably never leave me.
This fog was very thick, my only compass was the moon and Naruto's flashy hair.
"Damn you Naruto! You had a head start!"
"Wait, this is a race?" He then speeds up.
I charge with all my might and I punch the ground creating Naruto to plunge facedown. I needed a good laugh. I sprint pass him, but then I feel a bit badly and turn back to help him up. As our hands meet, he drags me down into a runny mud puddle and leaves me behind shouting,"Hah! You softy!"
I stand up and dash gracefully to the Leaf Village ignoring all the mud smothered all over my body. I make it to the entrance without Naruto in sight. I face all the buildings which were all dark, and with the fog making them all each seem like a different story to tell. Stupid Naruto, why was he acting stranger than usual?
Then I focus more on the path I am standing upon do to intuition. Even with this gloomy fog. I knew at the very moment I glanced at the dark silhouetted figure that Sasuke was now home. Has he finally found what he as been seeking?
I hope so.
I open my eyes and see it was only a dream, then to my shock my head told me to stand up. All of a sudden, I hear an annoying knock,
"Sakura! Sasuke is back!" Says Naruto.

I though about those words from my dream that are now dancing in my head, Has he finally found what he as been seeking?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2016 ⏰

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