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1 week later

(Sam's POV)

So Kurt and I were made fun off cause the tweet went viral. That's why we pretend like we don't know each other at school. I mean except in one class. Music. Its our favorite subject. We have this amazing teacher name Mr. Olusola he plays Alto Saxophone and Cello, Kurt and I love him he's just so talented and so awesome. He can also sing really well. One day he heard us singing in the halls and asked us if we wanted to do vocals as well as play instruments. We agreed. Duh. So now Kurt and I sing, I play piano and Kurt plays Bass. Scott and Mitch are also in our class, we can see the jealousy in there eyes. There actually not bad singers but there just not very nice people. We actually had music next so we both got there early to set up and practise.

"Hey Sam let's try Locked Away, I can play piano" Kurt said

"Ya! Let's do it!" I said

"If I got locked away, and we lost it all today, tell me honesty would you still love me the same.........

3 mins later

After I finished singing the song we had a whole class standing there shocked. Then one person starts clapping

"Who you singing about Sam? Is it Kurt?"

I look up to see who said it and of course its Scott.

I almost started to cry. Yes I know I cry a lot. Don't judge me, guys can cry too.

"Enough of that Hoying! Apologize to Sam!"

It was Mr. Olusola, dang I was glad to see him.

"Sam and Kurt are really talented Scott" Mr. O said

"Mitch and I are too Mr. Olusola!, we even have our own YouTube channel" said Scott

"Yes Mr. Hoying you and your friend are talented, and by the way Mr. Evans and Mr. Williams. Both have there our channels as well! I'm even subscribed to them" replied Mr. O

"What ever!" Scott said and then stormed into another room

Then Mr.O leans in and asks me

" Is that a new cover?"

"Ya it is" I answer

"Instead of class today you guys wanna go practise in the school studio?" Mr. O asked us

"Wait are you serious? But who's gonna sing and play bass and piano? I asked

"Scott wants a chance I can see that, so he and Mitch can sing Scott and play piano." said Mr. O

Then Kurt and I got our stuff and walked over to the recording studio to record our parts. All of the sudden someone texts Kurt

"Kurt I'm sorry but I'm really busy so I can't record my part for your cover. sorry for the inconvenience Kirstin" Kurt red out loud

"Damn it! Kirstin can't do it!" I said angrily

"Sam can you just sing the entire song?" Asked Kurt

I thought about it for a minute

"Oh I guess I can" I replied

So Kurt and I re-recorded the song except I sung the entire time

"In bout 10 mins we finished syncing the piano with my vocals. Kurt downloaded it onto a USB, then we left the school studio, just in time to help pack up and go to Math class. Kurt and I took our time to get to math class (we had a test). When we got to class we took our seats and the test began.

1 hour later

Kurt and I finished the math test so we were of to basketball practice. The practice was fine we just went over some plays for areas. After practise Kurt and I decided to grab some McDonalds cause we were both to lazy to make any food. So we walked over to the closest McDonalds and stood in line for our turn.

"I'm gonna get..... A Big Mac Meal and a Mcflurry" said Kurt

"I'm gonna get a McChicken Meal and Milkshake" I replied

So we got to the counter and I start to order

"Hi can I get a McChicken Meal and a Milksha-" I get cut off

"Omg omg! Are guys Sam Evan and Kurt James Williams?!" Screams the cashier

I read her name tag her name is Christina

"Um.. Hi..  Christina! Hey ya that's us! I said trying to sound normal

"Omg I love you guys I'm your biggest fan! Can I get a autograph?!" She asks

"Umm... Sure.." I replied

Then she runs off, probably to get a piece of paper. She was back in not even 10 seconds. We signed the paper, and then she asked for a picture so Kurt I did that plus we posted that picture on our Instagrams. After all that fandom we ordered our food and then left. On the way out I check the receipt. Then I get confused. Everything that we ordered was free I showed it to Kurt.

"Maybe it was that fan?" He says

"Probably" I replied

So we started walking home cause we want to eat food in peace and quiet. As we entered our apartment building we decide to check our mail box. I open and grab surprisingly only 2 letter, one for me one for Kurt. Wait these are our job letter yes!! I tell Kurt about it and he's excited and so am I. So we run up to our apartment and open the letters

Dear Mr Evans,

You will be teaching 9-12 basketball and 9-12 girls basketball from 2pm to 3pm 8 classes, 2 months every Saturday starting July 1st I red to myself in my head

Then outloud Kurt read

"You will be teaching 6-8 basketball and 6-8 girls basketball from 1pm to 2pm and 3pm to 4pm (girls) for 2 months starting Saturday July 1st"

"Great Kurt I'm gonna wait for you in the lunch room so we can drive home together" I said

"Cool" he replied

It was already late so I went to bed. I think Kurt did the same well at least we got jobs.

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