Finally Leaving

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A/n so we are gonna skip the rest of the hospital... But we are leaving it now... I don't know read to find out I guess

(Sam's POV)

Month later

Kurt and I got our amputations about a week later after the plastic surgery. My two fingers and his leg, we got use to them fairly quickly, I mean I did, probably not Kurt he had to re learn how to walk a little. But now we are free. We get to go home. We step outside the hospital and smell the fresh December air.

"How are we gonna get home?" I ask

"I don't know... I can call Alisha" Kurt says

"Please do" I said

Kurt pulled out his phone and called her,it was a quick conversation

"She's gonna be here in 10mins" said Kurt

I was standing there and that when I remembered that I forgot to tell my fans on YouTube where I was! I'll just tweet it I guess. I tweet to my fans what was up everyone were really nice they all left positive comments. Alisha pulled up in about 15mins

"You guys feeling better?" Alisha asked

"Ya" we both answered at the same time
The ride was silent, we didn't talk much. When we got home Alisha dropped us of and drove back to her home.

"Ah home sweet home" Kurt said

I smiled

We entered our apartment building and took the elevator up. I was so happy that I was at home, I opened the door, but instead of happiness terror filled my face. There was a huge mess and there was blood stains everywhere, there were different liquids in every single room on the floor. We didn't know who did this and why. Kurt and I walked into our kitchen to find a note all it read was

"This is for not leaving when I asked you to..."


Hey guys! I just wanna say thank you for over 500 views it means a lot! I know I have a ton of grammar mistakes, after I finish writing "Coach" I'm gonna go back and edit it. So toy might wanna re read Coach again one day. I know this chapter was really short I promise to write more in the next one! Love y'all!

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