Arats Book Club

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Welcome to the Arats Book Club, where you will learn from each other and grow in your journey of writing. This book club is just like any other book club, where all of you will read each other's work. It is a fun place to socialize with your fellow users on Wattpad as well!

If you are interested, please do fill out the form in the next chapter. Once there are some people who have applied in our book club, we will start. It will end within a month, then we will open the book club to other users again. For those with more than one books, you can choose to stay and let others read your other book.

Each week, you will be assigned to read a different person's book. Points will be awarded accordingly.

This book club will be managed by all the people in Aratsrevival.

Thank you, and have a nice day! 

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