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A/N: This will have more than one chapter idk how many, enjoy and make sure you check out the tumblr of the person that created the picture I used as a cover for this story. I cropped tweek out of it IM SO SORRY! So I added the original. Hopefully the artist doesn't get mad *SWEATS A FUCK TON*

It was a fresh autumn day in South Park. You were in sixth period and sooooo fucking ready to get on home. Halloween was close by. You all know what that means. High. School. Parties. Of course, not really your thing, but who doesn't like to drink and have a little fun every once in a while. It'll only be for Halloween too. All day a party was the talk of the school. Some girl was going to be hosting it in her mansion of a house. Her parents thought it was a great idea to leave her home alone apparently. Whatever, not your problem. She said that everyone at school who's not a freshman is invited. I guess that includes you. You had one question on your mind though.

Will Craig be attending?

Mmm Craig. Don't we all just get so weak for boys with blue eyes and dark hair. They are the epitome of scrumptious. (I'm so sorry this started out so weird)

Wow Reader. You got a weird mind there. Ask yourself this though.

What costume will you be wearing to said party?

Well as the author, I've already decided. That's a story for another chapter though. Enough of my point of view. Let's see what you're thinking and doing!

Readers Point Of View
Only twenty more days of waiting for Halloween! I absolutely love this holiday. All the candy and the pumpkins. Except those shits get wrinkly just a few weeks after carving them. Which instead, me and my friends are going to throw them at peoples houses tonight. Tis the season motherfuckers. What a time to be a high schooler. Getting into mischief and stuff. Well it's almost time for Stan and his girlfriend to pick me up. Along with Kenny and Cartman. Kyle didn't want to come because he didn't want to get into any trouble. That kid is such a straight edge. I hear the sound of a car horn outside and leave my house. Everyone is asleep despite Stan being a soggy chicken nugget and honking for some reason. Whatever. As long as we do what we're setting out to do. I sit in between Cartman and Kenny. I guess they were talking about the party before I came.

"Who are you taking with you to the party (Your Name)?"

"I'm sorry, What?"

Do I really need a date to a Halloween party? Seriously? Wendy tried convincing me that I had to go with someone. I looked at Kenny. He shook his head and said that he's already going with someone. I reluctantly looked at Cartman.

"Sorry dude, this hotness is unavailable."

I rolled my eyes. What a hoe. Whatever. It's fine.

"I'll just find someone else I guess"

We eventually made it to the richer neighborhood and starting raising all kinds of hell. By the end of it mailboxes, fences, cars, and houses had pumpkin guts all over them. Sucks to be rich right now. We noticed a cop car making its rounds and we jumped into the car and sped off. Hopefully there weren't any eyewitness'. By this time it was almost 11:30 at night. We decided to just hang out at Tweeks coffee shop.

When we got there Tweek was just about to close and we decided to be THOSE assholes who come in last minute. We ordered our drinks and sat at a table. I was spacing off, thinking about the party while the squad talked about it, when I decide to look up and start choking on my drink when I noticed a pair of deep blue eyes piercing through me. It got me so spooked what the fuck. He looked away and kept listening to Tweek. I looked around the table to see if anyone noticed that awkward moment I almost sighed in relief until I see Kenny wiggling his eyebrows at me. He saw.

Fucking Asshole.

Alright my dudes that's chapter one. I'll hopefully update ASAP. Thanks for reading!

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