Death. It comes for me.

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I started thinking about how I was going to dress for the party. Actual costume? Or something slutty? Hmm. Decisions, decisions. Wendy and Stan were sitting next to me. Having a GROSS conversation.
That came from Stan. Gross.
"The love of my life!"
"My sunshine and stars!"
I finally whipped my head towards them and glared, having enough of it. They paled and stopped their antics.
"So, any thought about who you're taking with you?"
Ouch. That kind of hurt, considering how I'm a loneliness magnet. Too single to find someone.
"Well, how about Craig?"
She smirked with such mischief gleaming in her eyes. Oh god no. My face burned. It was getting too embarrassing at this point.
I tried to find my way out of this, Wendy staring expectantly. Finally, the sunlight and stars aligned so the bell rang. Everyone sprinted out for lunch. I was walking slower than most, my self confidence taking a small beating previously. Until I was suddenly thrown into the door, smacking my whole body. I felt embarrassed first of all.
"Oh shit, sorry."
I turned and realized it was in fact Craig who had slapped me into the wall with his freaking towering giraffe body. His muscular body. ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ) I turned away, mildly humiliated.
"You fucking idiot, she could've gotten hurt!"
Stan came to the scene to help me I guess, Wendy trailing behind him looking mad as all hell.
"It wasn't me. Clyde had pushed me."
Craig held his hands up in mock surrender. Oh yeah. Stan and Craig never did quite get along, did they? There was a stare down between the two for what seemed like forever. Until Clyde broke the silence.
"It wasn't Craig's fault (Your name). I did actually push him. Sorry!"
I nodded accepting his apology. I didn't want to look anyone in the eyes because all of the attention was on me.
"Yeah. Sorry." Craig said flatly.
Gee, thanks asshole.
I was getting uncomfortable and felt grateful when Wendy linked her arm with mine and started leading me away from all the guys.
"Come on (your name). Let's leave these animals and find decent people."
"Hey! You're not talking about me are you?"
"No Stan. I'm talking about Team Craig."
She had said his name with venom laced into her voice. As soon as we were out of earshot, Wendy turned to me.
"Never mind what I said (Your Name). You should go with someone who's not an asshole."
But I longed for Craig. Even if he almost murdered me.

Guess who's POV
"Hey, do you think I ruined your chances with her?"
"What the fuck do you think Clyde?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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