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His hazel eyes reflected the moon, as he stare to the sky. Tonight...the temperature is cold. Although they still in summer, but he could feel the autumn breeze brushes his skin. He rubs his kimono's sleeve to the skin to warm up himself.

Tonight...should be just a normal night...but for him is not. He smiles in satisfactions. Tonight, is his first night...as a newlywed groom.

"Yagen..." he turn his head, as see a woman in a yukata; brings a teapot and two tea in the tray. The woman smiles at him. "Tea?"

"Yes, sure, Gene--ah!" Yagen cover his mouth, he glance at the woman in guilt. Her smiles softer, as she put the tray next to him.

"...I-I'm sorry..." apology Yagen to the woman.

"It's okay. You just need to get use to it..." she comment. Pouring the tea into the cup. Yagen smiles. Yeah, she was right. Now, their relation not as General and warrior, but as a newlywed couple or more specific; husband and wife. Yes, he just married to the woman that WAS his master...and now...this woman belong to him...

Aruji serve the tea to her husband. He receive it and sip slowly. As expected, although most of time she ask his brother; Hirano or Shokudaikiri brewed her tea...but she is good on brewing tea as well.

"It's...kinda...cold...isn't?" suddenly she spoken, break the silent. Yagen glance at his wife. She is looking at the sky; probably staring at the moon.

"Yes...it is..." Yagen took his haori and put it on Aruji's shoulder. She look at Yagen with half-shock facial.

"...but don't worry..." Aruji cock her head. Yagen look into her eyes. "...it's won't be that cold..." he leans towards her and whispers "...when we in the room later..."

Aruji blushes once her brain catch the words, before she could response, Yagen slips his hand under her legs and support her back and scooped her up. Aruji screams in surprise; automatically her arms wrapped around his neck.

Yagen bridal carry Aruji to their room, leaving the teapot and tea cup at the corridor, he use his broad back to slide off the door. Then throw Aruji on the fluffy futon that prepared on the floor.

He pinned her down on the floor, stares at his beloved wife's face, blushes across her cheeks...their eyes met. Slowly, he leans closer, meet their lips together before leads to the hot kisses. They apart to get the breaths.

Aruji look into the man's eyes. Unlike the first time they met, his hair getting longer than before...his body grew taller...his chest, shoulder...broader than last time. The man in front of her...not a boy, not a kid anymore...he is a man...her man...her beloved husband.

Yagen stares into his woman's eyes. He could feel...loves in her eyes. Somewhat, the pains, the uneasy feeling in his heart, faded...he reach out his hand, swipe away her fringe that covering her face.

It's still same...just...no different...

"Do you still remember?" Aruji hummed in response.

"...the first time, that we make love?" she roll her eyes.

"...two years ago?" Yagen widen his eyes, t-that long?!

"It was...a year after we met..." Again he shock. He can't even remember how much, long the time had passed, he lost the track of time.

"Ah...yeah..." he replied. "Somewhat I regret..." she surprised.


"Because I can't officially 'break' you tonight..." Aruji blushes, either she embarrassed or mad, he can't tell. He smirk, "...but I won't apologize..."

Yagen leaves a peck on her lips, and some more light kisses over her face, before moved to her another part of her body.

Ah...I wish, I could recall the memories...but...cannot recall it is...better...

I still can enjoy this like it's our first.

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