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A year later

He plays the pen in his palm; spinning it. While his sight throw at the citadel's yard. He sighed.

"Ahh~ I'm so bored" he sign to be the one who responsible to the infirmary in the citadel, yet, it's have been a while since last time someone get into the infirmary to get a treatment.

"...Lately General didn't sent any party to front lines...that's why..." ...his eyes stare the table. It's been while to...he went to front lines. For some reason, she didn't sent him to front lines...no...she didn't even meet him; as she avoid him. He wonder why?

I miss her...

Then suddenly, a shout from outside citadel draw his attention. He turn his head, when heard Shokudaikiri's voices.

Wondering what was happening, he peek out to see Shokudaikiri bridal carrying someone that he really familiar with; his master.

"Oh! You are here, Yagen, thank goodness!!" relieve Shokudaikiri.

"W-what happened??" puzzled Yagen, frowns look at aruji in Shokudaikiri's arm.

"Aruji's head is bleeding, anyway better you treat her first..." Yagen nodded, as he opens the door, ask Shokudaikiri put Aruji on the futon in the room. He takes the first aid and start the treatment while watched by Shokudaikiri.

Regarding to Shokudaikiri's story, aruji were at yard, with Gokotai and Akita, helping the with fieldwork. Then, near by, Ookurikura and Izuminokami practice throw catapult. But accidentally, Ookurikura missed the target and the rock fell and hit aruji's head cause it to bleed.

Later, Ookurikura and Izuminokami came to the infirmary; worries about aruji's condition (although Ookurikura denied it). Starting from that day, aruji will be under his care until she cured. During she under his responsibility, the medical room become cheerful because the swords come to visit their master, even when party that return from battlefield will directly to the room to give any report.

"You look happy lately, Yagen"

"Eh?" Yagen look at Shokudaikiri, same goes with aruji; who munch the porridge made by Shokudaikiri.

"W-what do you mean??" ask Yagen, puzzled. The one-eyed man just smile.

"Before...when aruji didn't stay here, you look kinda sad and gloomy...but, when she's here, and the others always come to pay the visit...you looks cheerful..." comment the tachi. He glance and smirk.

"It's because of aruji...or because of this room become cheerful?" listen to what he said just make aruji blushes. Yagen sigh.

"Don't be nonsense," Yagen turn his body to the table, backing Shokudaikiri and aruji. He clenches his hand. Although he said like that, he can't denied what he had mentioned.

Seems like, Kami-sama fulfilled my wish.

Day by day passed, aruji getting better and the bandage will be take off today. Carefully, Yagen unwrapped the bandage around aruji head.

"Looks like the wound didn't leave any scar..." relieve Yagen. Aruji smile.

"Thanks for your care..."

"No problem, it's my job after all..." Yagen stand up, throwing the bandage to the bin. Aruji just watch his action. "Plus, others give you support...that is why you recovered faster..."

"Ah, finally, you'll check out from this room..." somewhat he felt lonely when say out the lines. So...it's gonna return back to his boredom life? Where there's neither visitor nor patient in the room?

How pathetic?


"...but I'll visit you"

Yagen turn his head, shock with what aruji said. He look at guilty face of the woman.

"Sorry..." apology aruji.

"H-huh? For what??"

"...everything..." Yagen puzzled. E-Everything?

"I've trouble a lot to you...so I decided to avoid you..." She was avoiding me? B-but, why?

"...I...I don't want it to be repeated again..." Yagen cocked his head, still puzzle.

"...the last time I sent you to the front lines..." it's like a lighting, the flashback played in his memory.

The last time he went to battlefield, General come with the team. But, during the war, she careless with her surrounding and almost stabbed by Tachi's enemy. Luckily, he realized the enemy's intention and come front to protect her, yet...he suffers the severe injuries. He unconscious for few days by that incident...after that, aruji appoint him as a medical team and didn't let him to front lines anymore.

"...because of that, you avoid me and disallowed me to the front lines??" aruji nodded.

"I don't want to lost you...t-that moment, when I'm about to lost you, my heart almost stop beat...but...I glad you survived--"

"It's my fault to be careless on the battlefield...yet, you the one almost scarified by my careless..."

"T-that's why I...I..." her tears fall from her cheek. She starts sobbing. Yagen, sit in front of her, slowly, reach out his hand and wipes away the tears.

"Why you so worry about that? It's has passed long time ago, I've forgot about it...and I have no grudge to you...anyway it is my job to protect my master..."

"Y-yet, it's still hurts me so much..."

"Hah? Why?"

"Cuz you are important to me?" Important??? "W-what do you means?"

"I love you..."

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