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3 years ago...

He sit in the middle of room, patiently waiting for his new master. He stares on the tatami, wondering how is his master would looks like? Doutanuki told him that their master is a woman and she kinda enjoy sent them to the battlefield.

Then he hear the steps came from outside the room, probably his master's?

"Oh? You brought a tantou?" a woman voice.

In second, the door slide open, as a girl stand in front of the door. Look at him. He dumbfounded.

"So, you are the new tantou?" ask the girl. Yagen snapped when realized the girl is his new master. She don't even close to what he imagined!

"Y-yes, General. I'm Yagen, Yagen Toshirou..."

"To...shiro...so, you have relation with the others tantou?"

"Yes, pretty much, General. Oh, did my brothers home? I hope they didn't troubling you..." she smiles.

"No, they are not. All of them are good boys..." Yagen sigh in relieve. She awed look at the charisma shows by the new tantou.

"...although...you are tantou, but, you have such mature personality..." because most of her tantou looks like elementary student by appearance and...some of their personality.

"T-that because..."

"Unlike my brothers, I raised at the battlefield..." Aruji surprise. So, that's why he develop such mature personality?

"Anyway..." Yagen stand up, he have almost same height with his master, although his master older than him.

"Along with my brothers, I hope we will get along...General" he bow to her. She stunned, but then bow as well.

"Yes...please take care of me!"

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