A New Start

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I head down the stairs of my home of 17 years. A tear falls down my cheek as I pack up the last box of memories and carry it down the stairs.

"I'm going to miss you sweetie." My mom Helen says as she kisses my forehead.

"Imma miss you too, Momma." I say setting the box down on the floor to give her a hug.

I cling onto the embrace not wanting to let go. I bury my face into her shirt to avoid the tears rolling down my cheeks. Taking a deep breath letting go, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Daddy will be home in 15 minutes. Stay until he gets here?" She looks at me with tear filled eyes.

"Of course, I wouldn't think of leaving without saying goodbye." I pick up the box and head out to my car loading the last box.

Max runs up to me and gives me huge puppy kisses all over my face. I hug him tight and kiss him goodbye.

Holding back the tears, "You be a good boy okay? Don't give Momma and Daddy any trouble." I pet him behind his ears and he groans loudly when I hit his favorite spot.

He gives me a quick lick on the face and we head back inside. A few moments later my Dad walks through the door with a few cannolis from my favorite baking place on the corner.

"For your trip." He says handing them to me with a hug.

He gently whispers, "You make us proud. We believe in you. Manhattan is a big place, don't let it overwhelm you. We are always a phone call away." Sam kisses her on the forehead and she holds onto her dad for a few seconds longer knowing it's going to be awhile until she gets the chance to do it again.

"I got this Papa. College will be a piece of cake. I'll be famous before you know it." I said winking.

He and my mother laugh.

"I know you will sweetie." Sam says nudging his daughter.

I clap my hands, "Welp, I have my snacks and my car packed. So I guess it's time for the long ass drive to New York."

"Be safe." My parents say.

"I will." I say walking out the door and sliding into my car.

I wave as I pull away, wiping a tear away from my eye. I stop to get gas before I start the long journey ahead of me. I plug in the address to my new apartment in lower Manhattan.

My phone speaks "Thirty hours until you reach your destination."

"Oh my lord!" I say outloud.

"Welp let's do this shit." I say as I pull out of the gas station.

I turn on some jams as I head towards the highway. I start to sing along to the radio hoping that makes time go faster. My phone starts to ring and I turn off the music while putting my phone on speaker.

"Yellow?" I say paying attention the road.

"What's up love?" My bestest friend on the planet responds.

"Headed to NY. Hbu?" I say.

"Oh my fucking gosh. I totally forgot that was today. But anyways I wanted to call and tell you that I love you and can't wait till you're here! Spending my college years with my best friend is gunna be so dope."

"I know boo, I've missed you so much since you left. But now we will be reunited and it feels so good." I started to sing.

All I hear is laughter on the other end.

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