Chapter 1 - Brother

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         Two ships fly side by side, both are painted red, with white emblems, as they glide through space. The sounds of engines screech as they pass, and we can see a singular vessel a short way behind them, this one is painted black, with brilliant blue trimmings; looking a bit more streamlined, and well armed. With this introduction, it's guns flare to life, flinging bullets at high velocities, and letting loose a salvo of missles.  

        Caught unawares, the ship on the right bursts into a glorious fireball, the red and orange colors within the blast seem to glow effervescently as it takes just long enough for the lights to fade, for the black and blue ship to pass through dramatically.  Now the red ship reacts, pulling a skillful turn, ninety degrees, stopping all motion and then shooting upwards.

        The attacker lags as more bullets pass harmlessly by their target, and swings around in a wide hard loop. Inside the metal cocoon, two hands covered in a slick dark blue suit can be seen, one holds onto a joystick, and the other manipulates the thruster control to the side. Everything shakes from the pull of g-forces, as the hands move of their own accord, making some sort of adjustment.

      Brought about on its long curve, the lone ship comes in line with its target, and with another dramatic flare, the afterburners light up with a sound like grinding stone.

        The essence of speed is shown by the stars passing like straight lines, and within moments the hunter has caught up with its prey.

       From within the cockpit,  the enemy ship is highlighted on the viewing window, though still not visible to the eye. The two hands are visible again, and if you are quick enough, you would notice a thumb flipping a small red emergency cap.

        A splash of light marks the enemies position out in the unknown, and a pocket full of bullets fly by the cockpit window, one or two smacking like wet cloths into the armor nearby...


        Sven turned his head away from the tri-vid screen. He couldn't watch this video without feeling somewhat disgusted; and watching these action tri-vids had not felt the same since he had a throttle in his hand. Though, having watched this propaganda commercial at least three dozen times, while watching his shows in the common room didn't help the situation. He could visually play the tri-vid back in his mind, in tune with the sounds.

        Here comes the barrel roll, as it switches back to the cockpit to hear the alarms blaring. Then a few more shots from the enemy ship which go wide. Now the Stellar Core pilot does an impressive screw manevuer by breaking the laws of physics, and pow, hits the Alpha ship with a salvo of missles. Roll The Stellar Core graphic.

He sighed, and tuned back into the conversation at hand.

"That's what I'm telling you, you really don't understand how dog fights work."

"Nah, nah. It's guns and missles in space, I know how it goes." Two hefty arms waved in defense of the last words spoken.

        The first man, a lanky build, and of Asian decent, with a bowl cut overshadowing a round face; his skin was a pale white having rarely seen sunshine. He raised a hand with index finger held taught towards the second speaker. "Ah. ah. ah, don't forget plasma, Xenon forbid Gauss rifles, flachette rounds, laser beams, and if your dealing with anything above a cruiser class, ion cannons! I mean if we ever have to fight anything as big as our ship, well lets just say I'm glad the Vanguard is on our side." The man leaned over and patted the wall of the common room.

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