Chapter 7 - Milk Run

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Chapter 7 – Milk Run

Griffon Flight

Griffon-1(Khara): Captain Healy

Griffon-2: (Khara) Lancer Mcgabben

Griffon-3: Expendable Pilot

Griffon-4(Khara): Willow Valentine

Griffon-5: (Hazard) Sven Derkin

Griffon-6: Kip Ryson

Griffon-7: Expendable Pilot

Griffon-8: (Khara) Sherri Mckenna

Griffon-9: (Hazard) Danz Guard

Griffon-10: Expendable Pilot

Griffon-11: (Khara)Reddin Lang

Griffon-12: (Hazard) Jerry Crosby

Griffon flight was tasked with supporting the first two fighter wings which were sent in. So when they were called from their bunks to mop up the rest of the Alpha defense fighters, Sven's heart beat a tantrum in his chest. Since his post on the vanguard Sven hadn't seen any real combat, only combat sims with his newly acquired Hazard, he felt tense about actual combat again, but was resolved to do better. He had spent every spare moment he could practicing maneuvers with Jerry, and learning every little thing he could about his ship.

Now, as he stepped into the bay which housed his ship, he lovingly caressed its engine housing, checked a few of the hoses, before moving around to its front. There he inspected the auto cannons embedded on either side of the cockpit. The black sheen glinted in the light as he confirmed that his ship was in working order, then he made for the hand holds hoisting himself up.

The tech on site had already done his preliminary check, so it was up to Sven to finish the rest. He hit the imperceptible button on the ship's side to pop open the hatch, and hopped into the cockpit. The ships setup was slightly different then the Heron he had flown before. Radar panel on the bottom left, with ship status above that. On the right side of his control panel were his speed and orientation, along with fuel capacity and communications.

Above him were toggles for his three engines, simple flip switches which he proceeded to hit. He closed the cockpit window as he heard the familiar thrum of his engines coming to life and drew some comfort from the idea of such power at his fingertips. Another switch disengaged the magnetic landing gears, and he felt as his Hazard went weightless lifting slightly off the floor. He toggled his comms. unit attempting to reach the dock control.

“This is Griffon 5 reporting all system go. Requesting exit from the berth.”

“Copy that, this is Docking Control, the rest of your wing is about ready, keep your dog on its leash until your Leader gives the go.”

That unorthodox voice again, female, but far more loose and informal then he was used too from a docking control agent.

“You again?”

There was silence for a moment, then the comm clicked in response. “Roger that, big boy. Nice to hear your voice again.”

“Like wise.” Sven said, not really enjoying being called “big boy”.

A few moments of silence were punctuated by the sudden appearance or flashing red lights. The bay doors crawled open, as multiple inches of solid plasteel were drawn apart. The doors were only three fourths of the way open when he received another call on his comm.

“Good luck out there big-” but she was cut short as the commanders line cut over her comm.

“This is Captain Healy, listen up pilots, We have pilots incoming who need these docking bays for repairs, so I'll make this quick. They are sending out two more wings to support, we are one of them. There are about fifteen bogeys left, apparently their ships are tough nuts to crack so aim true. Follow me out.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2014 ⏰

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