Not What I expected!!

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Karlie looked at the test in her hand in complete shock! She stood there at the sink shaking not knowing what or how to tell Larry this news...

Larry: Karlie where are you?

She cleaned her face walking out the bathroom after throwing the test away in the garbage, "yes baby, what do you need"?

Larry: What were you doing in the bathroom for an hour?

Karlie: I just took a shower and tried to fix my face, that's all!

Larry: Are you sure Karlie? You wouldn't be lying to me baby would you?

Karlie: No baby I'm not lying I swear! Is there anything you want special for breakfast this morning?

Larry: Non, just make something light because I going to make love to you until my seed is in you stomach!

Karlie: Uh I think that's already happened (whispering)!

Larry: What you say?

Karlie: Nothing baby, just excited about us that's all!

Larry: Good, now go start cooking. I going to take a shower then wake up Lau, have breakfast on the table in thirty minutes okii!

Karlie zoned out while he was talking, when she didn't answer him he got very upset and grabbed her hair pulling down on the bed!

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