12. Falling Apart

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"Look Mar, I feel really bad about this whole thing I don't know how to fix it and I probably shouldn't have even come back in the first place."
"No Luke no I'm so happy you came back really."
"I should go back to live in New York with my dad and give up on this whole band thing I don't know why I started this."
"What are you talking about? Your being so dramatic.
"You can't give up on the band mate!" Calum yelled to Luke.
"Calum has his fútball to fall back on, Michael can go finish high school and make it so his parents talk to him again, and Ash, go find a girl get married and be happy!"
Michael looked at Luke with a sad expression.
"Michael he didn't mean it like that."
Calum tried to comfort Michael but I could see the tears welling up in his eyes. He was sensitive and I think when Luke mentioned the whole finishing high school thing, it really hit him hard.
I finally decided to break the silence and go talk to Mikey who had now left the room.
He was sitting alone on my couch. Calum and Ashton were trying to figure out why Luke was acting so insane so that left me to comfort him.
"Hey Mikey. Can I sit?"
"Well I mean it is your couch... So I guess."
He gave me a forced half smile and looked back down at the floor.
"You know Luke. He didn't mean it and he's not gonna break up the band."
"It's not just that he brought it up. I begged my parents to drop out, and I promised them, I pinky promised them that I would make something out of this band! And you can't brake a pinky promise..."
I laughed at how innocent he sounded.
"He'll be over it by tomorrow. He can stay here tonight and I'll talk to him okay?"
"Thanks Mar. Really your a good friend."
"Yea I know."
I hugged Michael and stoop up after Michael following him to the kitchen.
"Wanna order a pizza?"
"I'll ask Ash if it's okay."
I walked back to the basement where I found Cal and Ash sitting a few feet away from Luke. His head was in his hands but perked up when he heard me come down.
"Michael wants to order a pizza."
Cal walked over to me and whispered in my ear.
"Give us a few minutes but tell Michael to order the pizza."
I nodded and walked back upstairs.

Luke's Pov.
I don't know what's wrong with me I'm just off for some reason. I know I shouldn't have said that to Michael and it wasn't much but he took it the wrong way. It just came out its not like I meant for it to sound like that. He's really sensitive and I know that. I should apologize.
I walked up from the basement and into the kitchen were I found Michael sitting at the table while Mar was on the phone.
"Hey mate."
There was a pause before mar got off the phone and walked over to me. She stood up on her tip toes and whispered in my ear.
"You need to say sorry he got really upset. You can stay here tonight if you wanna."
I nodded and she walked out of the room.
"I'm sorry mate I really didn't mean anything I just got really pissed."
"It fine."
Michael seemed really lifeless and it was making me feel really guilty. I finally broke the silence after a few seconds.
"We'll talk later"
He nodded and I walked out of the room back to the basement where Mar, Ash, and Cal were.
"Everything okay?"
Ashton said as soon as I walked in the room.
"Yea it's fine"
"You know how sensitive he is you shouldn't have said it."
Cal said with an aditude.
No one spoke.
"I gotta go I'll see you guys tomorrow."
Calum walked out of the room followed by Ashton who I was guessing was leaving too.
I sat there for a moment staring at the floor before I heard the door slam insuring all the guys had left.
"So I can stay the night?"
"If you wanna."
"Okay thanks. So what do you wanna do?"
"We can watch a movie."
"What one?"
Mar walked up the stairs to her living room. I followed close behind as she went over to her tv. She came back and held out a movie. I read the title and looked at her. She smiled.
"Finding Nemo?"
She laughed and nodded.
"Something wrong with Nemo?"
"Nope. Put it in."
Mar put the movie and and came to sit next to me on the couch. She snuggled up next to me and put her head on my chest. Hopefully I could forget about the events that just happened.
About half way through the movie Mar fell asleep on my chest just like usual. She looked so peaceful. But I was anxious. I guess you could say I was way to crazy for her but who gives a fuck. I wanted her. I leaned down and placed a light kiss onto her lips. Her eyes fluttered open. Her brown eyes met my blue ones and she smiled up at me.
"Hey baby girl."
"Luke why'd you wake me up I'm tired."
Mar whined while covering her eyes with my hands.
"But I'm bored and I want you."
I whined back and she tensed up.
"Your crazy Luke."
"I might be crazy but you just look so beautiful right now."
She buried her face in my chest and I lifted her up and started walking to my backpack that I brought. My Good Charlotte sweatshirt was in there so I grabbed it and carried Mar up to her room. She struggled to get away at first but gave up very quickly.
"Luke what are you doing put me down!"
She whined but I ignored her.
I set her on her bed and kissed her forehead. I threw the sweatshirt at her.
"Put it on."
I instructed. She was still a little groggy since she just woke up but she did what I asked and put it on taking off her shorts and Green Day t-shirt.
Mar was small she was only about 5'2 and my sweatshirt made her look so adorable since it was way to big. I walked over to her bed and started to kiss her.
"Mmm Luke"
She said breaking the kiss.
"Luke what are you doing."
"I told you I wanted you."
"I'm tired. Not right now."
I sighed but listened. I cuddled up next to her and wrapped her in my arms.
"You ruin all the fun"
"I never said we can never go that far but I'm tired right now and I don't have condoms in my room just laying around."
I laughed and kissed her forehead again. Damn she was so beautiful. I love her so much and I just don't know how to show her. Soon enough she fell back asleep but I couldn't fall. I stayed up for a while just listening to her breath in and out. I slowly got out of the bed and whispered in Mar's ear even though she was asleep.
"I'll be back in a little bit baby."
I kissed her lips softly and her eyes slowly opened.
"Luke, w-what?"
"Go back to sleep. I'll be back in a little bit."
I think she was to tired to ask what I was doing so she closed her eyes again.
I walked down stairs and grabbed a black leather jacket out of my backpack and walked out of Mar's house at 3:00 in the morning.



I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been overwhelmed with school and shit.

I promise I'll update more often and if I don't, tell me and yell at me until I do. lamo

Well that's it! Hope you like this chapter!

-Jess Xx

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