13. New

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I will explain my disappearance at the end I promise!

But for now, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter it is gonna be a long one

Luke's POV.

It was about 1:00am, at least it was last time i looked at my phone which of course i left it at Mar's. i can't really explain why i felt the need to just suddenly get up and leave, but something in my twisted messed up brain was telling me to. i don't know what's going on with me, ever since Mar got back into my life, i know it's only been a short time but honestly, i have just felt a little different. i made Michael really upset today, and i don't have any doubt that Cal and Ash are gonna be really pissed off at me too for going off on Mikey like that. i needed to get out. i needed to just have a little time to myself. So, i went to the only place i knew i could be completely alone, just to think. it was about a mile or 2 away, not overly far, so i decided to walk instead of taking my truck. i started off walking really slow. but the last half mile i was getting impatient so i started to slowly jog. i was starting to get more and more anxious to get where i wanted to go. i sprinted the rest of the way there.

Finally i made it. i was really out of breath now, but not from running, but from the anxiety getting worse and worse. i still don't know why i was like this. it's been a hell of a week.

I walked over to the tree that had my name, and Mariana's name in it. i looked at it for what seemed like over an eternity. Just thinking. Thinking about everything. i just stood there, staring at the two names on the tree. More at Mar's than my own. i stopped staring all at once and grabbed a sharp stone. i ran over to a tree that was about 40 yards away from the one that Mar and i had our names on. i pealed back a piece of the bark, and i wrote. i wrote all about Mar. All about how much i loved and cared for her.

"Dear Mariana, you are never going to see this it's never going to happen because this is where i tell you how much i love you. You can't know this. You can never know this. it's to much. i don't even know where to start, i have loved you for a very very long time and i promise that will never change. i wish i could show you how much i love you, i also with i didn't screw us up before you left. i wish for a lot of things that can never happen. i..."

I paused for a moment. i still had so much left to say, so i used more force to pull even more of the bark back from the tree. Tree sap started to slowly come out of the tree. i used a few leaves to cover it up, and kept writing.

"love you more than i have ever loved anyone. i have so many more things i want to say to you. i don't have the right words to tell you though. i don't know that many words. But i do know one thing. And that is, that i love you."

I put down the rock. it took me a while to write all this because i as using a rock, and, well i was writing on a tree. There was bark still hanging from the tree. i took the bark that i pulled from the tree and used the sap to somehow attach it back to the tree. it looking anything but natural.

I decided that i should go back to Mar's house so i would be able to be there before she woke up. i have no idea what time it is, or how long i have been gone, so i sprinted back to Mar's house.

I grabbed the key from under the mat to get into Mar's house. i opened the door as quiet as i could so i wouldn't wake Mar up. i closed the door behind me and crept up the stairs. i left the door to Mae's room open a crack so i didn't have to open it fully when i got back. i pushed it open and shut it slowly behind me. i walked slowly to Mar's bed and she had only moved a little from where i saw when i left. my phone was over on her nightstand so i went to see the time. it read 2:46am. i shut it off and went back over to where Mar was. She looked so cute with my sweatshirt on. i just wanted to give her a million kisses all over.

i climbed into the duvet that was still there from when i left. She mumbled a little in her sleep before slowly opening her eyes.


"it's okay go back to sleep."

"were did you go i was worried."

"i just had to go take care of something."

"what was it?"

i wasn't sure of what to tell her. i am not very good at coming up with excuses right off the bat. The only thing i knew to do to make her forget about her question, was to make her feel happy and like the only thing in the world that matters. it works every time.

"it's nothing baby girl just don't worry about it okay?" i my fingers through her hair playing with a few loose strands coming out of her pony tail.

"are you sure it's nothing?"

"yes beautiful i'm 100% sure."

"Luke," she said in a hushed tone,


"uh..." she sounded relaxed but still wanted to know why i was gone.

"i know what your doing it's not gonna work." she started drifting more and more off to sleep. i hummed quietly to myself, but loud enough so she could hear. her eyes closed slowly and i could no longer see the brown in her eyes.

"oh sweetheart your way to tired. We can talk tomorrow." and with that, we both fell to sleep.

* * *

Mariana's POV.

I woke up to find Luke laying next to me with his big arms wrapped around me. I always liked waking up to Luke being there. It always makes me feel safe and happy. I slipped out carefully from Luke's arms so I wouldn't wake him. I walked to my bathroom and turned on the water so I could sit in a warm bath for maybe 15 minutes then I would start breakfast for me and Luke. I grabbed some bubbles and squeezed some of the soap into my bath. Once the bath was heated up, I undressed and got into my bath. I layer back and closed my eyes.
10 minutes later I heard I knock at my bathroom door.
"Mar?" It was Luke. He sounded like he had just woken up.
"Yea Luke, it's me I just wanted to take a quick bath before breakfast. I'll be out in a minute."
I heard footsteps showing hat Luke had walked away. I stepped out of the bath and threw on one of Luke's Nirvana shirts and put my hair up into a messy bun. The shirt was more like a dress on me so I just threw on a pair of black fishnet stockings and some black combat boots. I did a pretty simple makeup look, my face was pretty clear so I didn't use foundation, just a little powder. I used my mascara from Sephora and winged my eyeliner. I'm not horrible at eyeliner but I'm not amazing at it either. My eyelashes were pretty long, I was blessed with that. Once I was okay with my appearance, I walked downstairs to find Luke shirtless at the stove making for pancakes for us. I walked up behind him and placed my hand on his back. I started him because he jumped at my touch but relaxed quickly.
"Whatcha makin?"
"Pancakes and bacon."
"Mmm smells good how much longer?"
"Just wait I'm almost done." Luke whined and I went to go sit down at the table.
Soon enough, Luke brought over the food and two plates with some silverware. I took a pancake and put it on my plate to eat.
We didn't talk much for the time we ate. Actually nothing was said at all.
Once we both had finished I took everything into the kitchen to wash it.
"So Luke, where'd you go last night?" He looked at me like he'd just had seen a ghost.
"I just had to go to the 7/11 to get some milk because we're out of it."
I opened the fridge to find the milk and I lifted it up. It was as light as a feather.
"Well then how much milk did you drink? Where you really go?"
"It's not important."
"If it's not important than why can't you just tell me?" He looked at me with an unsure expression.
"I'll tell you when the times right okay?" I looked at him wondering if I should go with it.
"Okay, I trust you."


Omg guys i am so so so so so sorry!!

I hate that I wasn't writing and I feel awful.

So the reason I haven't updated it because of lots of family issues lately. Lots of school crap and tons of family issues I won't get into.


I'll be updating more now so thank you guys so much for being patient I love y'all<3

Jess Xx

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