Chapter Two

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Sirius heard his friends voice, racing up the stairs to Harry's room, when he heard the faint sobs coming from it. He stopped in the broken doorway, freezing at the sight he was met with. He saw James holding Lily's lifeless body as he sobbed. Behind James in Harry's cot were both of the Potter kids, one with tear streaks on their face, the other asleep. "James, what happened?" He asked in a strained voice. "H-he came Pads. He came for Harry." James said, his voice shaky as he cried. "Lily, she.......she sacrificed herself for Harry....." Sirius listened to James, as he held his crying godson. 

"James, you can't stay here. None of you can. Come back to headquarters with me, there'll be people there." Sirius said, trying to calm Harry down. He had noticed the scar on Harry's forehead. He looked towards the hallway as he heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and moments later Remus appeared in the doorway, stopping at the sight in front of him just as Sirius had. "Remus...." Sirius said slowly. Everyone but James, Lily, him and Peter believed that Sirius was the secret keep for the Potters. "The hell happened here?" Remus asked looking between Sirius and James. James refused to explain it again, making Sirius sigh.

"Voldemort came for Harry. Lily placed herself between Harry and Voldemort. I'm not sure what happened after that, all I know is that somehow, Voldemort is gone, if not permanently, for the time being." Sirius explained to Remus who looked shocked. "How did Voldemort know where to find the hou-...." He stopped himself short, his eyes fixing onto Sirius, a cold glare present. "It was Peter." James spoke up before anything happened. "What?!" Remus asked, turning his eyes to look at James. "I thought Sirius was secret keeper." James shook his head. "We switched, thinking that it would be a good decoy. Only Lily, Sirius, Peter and I knew of it. It turns out that Peter was the traitor in the Order." James explained as he stood up taking Harry from Sirius to calm his son, who immediately latched onto James, his small hands curling into fists as he held on to James' shirt.

Remus sighed. "Alright. Fine. We can work all of that out later. But you can't stay here. The outside of the house looks horrible, likes it's gonna collapse at any point." He said watching as Sirius scooped Emma up, being careful to not wake her. "Come on James. Come to headquarters with us. Please." Sirius said. James nodded. "Alright. But only because I can't keep Harry and Emma here." He said looking around at the destruction of the room. "Remus can you take Lily's......" He trailed off, tears starting to well up in his eyes again. "I understand James. I got her." He said kneeling down to scoop Lily up into his arms.

Sirius went first, taking Emma with him, then James followed and lastly Remus, checking that no Deatheaters was around to do anything first. The few order members that were there, Kingsley, Moody and a few others, were surprised to see Sirius, but the fact that James followed him and then Remus, they knew that something was wrong. "Get Dumbledore. It's an emergency." Sirius said quickly to them. Mad-Eye got up to contact the headmaster, while Kingsley stayed behind to help the three. "What happened Sirius? James looks like he's been balling his eyes out, and what happened to Lily?" He asked. "Can we wait until Dumbledore gets here to explain? I'd rather not have to say it several times over. It's heartbreaking enough to just think about it." Sirius explained to Kingsley.

Kingsley nodded his eyes looking over to James, who stood by the fireplace, holding Harry. He looked to be trying to calm the toddler down. The silence was interrupted as Mad-Eye returned followed by Albus and Minerva. "What's happened? Why is James and Lily here?" He asked Sirius and Remus. "Lily sacrificed herself for Harry, Albus. Voldemort tried to kill them." Sirius explained, letting Remus take Emma from him, as wands were drawn on Sirius. "I'm not the secret keeper." He said raising his hands above his head. "Then how did Voldemort find them?" Minerva asked Sirius. "It was Peter. I had convinced James and Lily to change secret keepers to make it harder to get to them. By using myself as a decoy, that everyone thought was the secret keeper, that Voldemort wouldn't be able to find them. And that no one would think Peter was the secret keeper, meaning that they would be safer. It turns out that Peter was the spy." Sirius finished, most of the order had disbelieving looks upon their faces. "It sounds like a well rehearsed plot to save your own neck." Moody growled, but stopped with a warning look from Albus.

"Minerva, can you bring us some Veritaserum? It's better that we check that this is the truth and not a made up story." Albus said. Minerva nodded, disappearing from to the room to get the potion. Sirius sighed, he should've seen this coming. "Wait, Albus, James told me that exact same story when Sirius and I found him." Remus said. Albus looked to Remus, then to James, who was ignoring everyone but Harry. "James, is it true? That Peter Pettigrew was your secret keeper and not Sirius?" Albus asked James, causing the young father to look up. "Yes, it's true. We switched it about a week and a half ago." James said as He rocked Harry in his arms as his son fell asleep.

"We will still test it to make sure. And it's true? Lily, she's....." Albus trailed off. James nodded, looking away. "She died for Harry. Not because he just wanted to kill her." James said as he brushed Harry's hair back from his forehead make the scar visible. James also refused to believe that Lily had not died for their son. He wasn't going to let thoughts like that ruin her memory. . "Harry got a scar Albus." James said letting the headmaster see. "That's where Voldemort tried to kill him....." Albus explained trailing off. "Tried?" Kingsley asked. "The scar that is on Harry's forehead is one made from dark magic. It's not possible to remove it. He will always have it. But, after Voldemort killed Lily, after she had cast herself between him and Harry, he no doubtedly tried to kill Harry. But, with Lily's sacrifice being out of true love for her son, Voldemort was unable to do so." Albus explained as Minerva returned with the potion, handing it to Albus.

Albus took the small bottle, uncorking it and looking to Sirius. "You understand why we have to do this right?" He asked Sirius who nodded, before he was allowed to sit down so Albus could place the potion on his tongue. Sirius opened his mouth, feeling the usual three drops of the potion hit his tongue. "Sirius, you were made secret keeper for the Potters when they went into hiding. True or false?" Albus asked. "True." Sirius replied. "You were the secret keeper when Voldemort attacked them tonight and killed Lily Potter. True or False?" "False." "Who was the secret keeper?" "Peter Pettigrew." Albus looked around at the other order members. "Is there anything we should know about Peter that could help us find him?" Albus asked Sirius. "He is an illegal animagus, in the form of a common rat." Sirius said, before the potion wore off.

Sirius looked around at the order. "We're all good right?" He asked unsure what had been asked, as under the influence of Veritaserum, you had no memory of the questions. "Yes. You are all good. We will inform the Ministry that you are not the reason of the attack and that they should be on the look out for Peter." Albus explained. Sirius nodded. "So what now that Voldemort's gone?" Remus asked. "We help with the round up of Deatheaters, and make sure that James, Harry and Emma are safe." Albus said. "Minerva and I must return to the school, as the Halloween feast was happening when Alastor called for me." He said, before both he and Minerva left to go back to Hogwarts.

No one talked after that. Kingsley got some butterbeers from the cupboard so they could drink to Lily, and the downfall of Voldemort. Almost all the eyes were on James and Harry, occasionally they would drift over to Sirius, or Remus, or even Emma. Both of the children lay asleep, Harry still in James' arms, Emma, in a cot that had been conjured up for her. As news of the defeat traveled around the Wizarding world, many celebrated, some grieved for the loss, and many people came out of hiding, while many death eaters went into hiding. Everything was calm and peaceful until someone came through the kitchen door, freezing out of fear at the sight, and three of the people in front of him.

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