Chapter 3

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Dedication to NarryPalinik1d for the amazing comment on the last chapter! That's what I'm looking for people! ;)

Midnight Memories FULL ALBUM on the side!!!!!! OMFG!!! My fav song is Alive, what about you guys?!

-Emily:) xx

Riley's POV

Pulling my hair up into a pony tail is relieving. It get's it all out of my face, and I'm am very grateful for the cool air on the back of my neck. I only bother to put on a little bit of foundation and mascara. Seeing my tired face, I have second thoughts and add some blush and strawberry lip gloss, which matches my red v-neck, snug fitting sweater.

Stepping back, I admire my outfit. Black ballet flats, dark wash skinny jeans, and the sweater. Good enough for breakfast in the breakfast, right?

I tiptoe out of the bathroom and past Zayn, making sure to close the hotel room door quietly behind. Bending down, I slip the little note under the door. It tells Zayn where I will be, and that I love hi (even when he occasionally snores!) I decided to let him sleep in, instead of getting up together like we usually do. After all, he and the other boys are going to the O2 Arena to start their sound check for their concert tomorrow, and to set up the stage. It's going to be wicked! I just wish they got another day of rest. These next few months are going to be totally awesome, but utterly exhausting. Honestly, I can't wait.

I walk to the elevator, meet a fan, take a picture with her, and sneak into the elevator. My stomach grumbles in anticipation. I really want french toast and coffee right now. I decided to let Zayn sleep in, as we usually eat together. But, the next few months are going to be exhausting, but I cannot wait anyways. The boys need as much sleep as they can get though. When I pressed the down button on the elevator and it slides open, I yawn loudly. I'm tired already, obviously still getting used to this London time.

The elevator doors ding open and I walk into the breakfast room, the smell of coffee and food wafts into my nose, making my empty stomach growl in anticipation. I tell the chef behind the counter how I would like my french toast made. Then I get my coffee and scan the room for an empty seat. A scruffy tuft of brown hair facing away from me greets me. I wander over to him, and pull a chair up across from him.

The elevator doors ding open and I walk into the breakfast room. I pour myself some coffee, and grab french toast with butter and syrup. Scanning the room for an empty table, when I spot two familiar brunettes.

Smiling, I head over to Harry and Louis and sit down across from them so I can see them clearly.

"Morning Hazz, Lou!" I take a sip of my coffee.

"Hey Riley!" They chorus.

"Carrie's still in the shower, shaving her legs for the billionth time today." Harry rolls his eyes affectionately.

Chuckling, I shake me head. "Yeah, she cannot stand un-shaved legs. You should have seen her when we went on a camping trip and she forgot her razor... After we let her whine and be hilarous, we finally let her borrow one of ours!"

The boys laugh. "I can SO picture that!" Louis says.

"Whatcha drinking?" I ask Louis. He looks down at his mug an swishes the contents a bit.

"Eh, just tea! What about you?"

"Coffee." I tighten my grip around the mug, grateful for the warmth that reaches every point in my body, including my toes and nose.

"I prefer the more British drink myself!" Harry crinkles up his nose and takes a sip of what I pressume is tea as well. We chat amoungst our selves about our nights in our new hotel room (Louis and I learned about how Harry was teasing Carrie about her undressing last night), and what our plans are for today. Louis explained that he and Katie just snuggled up and fell asleep immedietly. Gosh they are so cute!!! Harry said that he and the other boys have to go to the O2 Arena today for a sound check and to set up the stage for tomorrow's concert. We girls are going to that one!! :D:D:D:D

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