Chapter 12

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Hey guys... Sorry I haven't updated in forever, I have a lot on my plate and have had almost zero time to myself! So I'm sorry, forgive me?!

Anyways, I hope you love this chapter!!!


Harry's POV

Evie and Niall burst into the door at the O2 arena, their cheeks brushed with a blush from the chilly breeze outside, and happy smiles on their faces. They both have a slightly dreamy look in their eyes too, if you ask me!

"Gosh, what took you guys so long?" Louis laughs. "Were you guys making out for a long time or something?" We all laugh and they shake their heads, blushing even more.

"Here Evie," Carrie steps out from behind me and hands Evie a bag of clothes. "The girls and I got these clothes together for you!"

"Alright guys, lets get going!" Paul says from behind us. I turn to Carrie and kiss her passionately. Her birthday is tomorrow, but I haven't mentioned it... it is all a surprise for what I have planned for tonight as a pre-birthday present!! The other boys kiss their girls, but Niall just reluctantly lets go of Evie's hand, his fingers dragging across her palm slowly, as he walks away. Paul ushers us into a hallway that will lead us to back stage, and behind me, I see Preston (another security guard) leading the girls to their seats.

Right when the door closes, Liam looks a Niall and says, "Well? Are you gonna tell us what happened?!"

Niall's smile goes all dreamy like, and he then collects himself and grins. "Oh, it was amazing!!" Niall tells us the whole story as we put in our ear sets and test our microphones. Every now and then he'll say, "I could have kissed her right then!!"

At the end of his story, Zayn says, "Do you think she may be starting to like you??"

Niall pauses, slowly nodding. "Maybe a little bit... Hopefully! I mean, she's smiling at me differently, like, in a better way! I can't explain it!"

We go and sit in the chairs by the mirrors that Lou has set up for us, and then I tell them my plan for Carrie, and the boys- and Paul and Lou- help me add things to it.

----- 30 minutes later -----

The screams outside can be heard through the wall of the room we are in. Paul pokes his head in the doorway, checking his watch.

"Okay boys, time to go." He grins.

I turn to the guys and we automatically do our chant/cheer before scrambling out of the room to our places.

"This is gonna be amazing!" Louis laughs.

"I just hope she likes it!" I chuckle nervously.

"Dude," Niall's jaw drops. "Of course she'll like it! She's going to love it!!"

I grin, reassured by my friends words. I climb the stairs -we will not be shooting up through the floor this time- and Niall climbs up beside me, Liam, Louis, and Zayn on the other side of the stage. A stage hand hold up his hands and starts to lower one finger at a time, counting down the seconds until we enter on stage. Music start up, and the screams get louder.

5, 4, 3, 2....1!

I jump out on stage, singing Heart Attack.

------------- Last song of the night-------------

I wipe the sweat from my brow; these stage lights are so hot! All of us have been doing great, and now it is time for the grand finale. I glance nervously at Liam, who gives me a thumbs up, before saying into the microphone.

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