the ball

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Maggie had turned suddenly with a swoosh. Sam could not and would not stop staring. "what is it." She asked "is it my dress because I hate it." Sam had looked at her with such surprise. Maggie had to remember that she was at the annual masquerade dance which always includes both the free world and the keepers of secrets. This year as always Maggie was attending the masquerade  with her best friend/colleague Sam representing the intermediate level of the free world. The problem with these masquerades is that you don't know who you are dancing with in the traditional dances so for all you could know is that you are possibly dancing with someone from the other side. As soon as each emperor of the sides entered the dances begun. Within an instant Maggie felt a tap on her shoulder. It wasn't Sam. "may I ask you to dance." Said the stranger politely. She had no Idea what to say, but she said what she knew she had to say. "Yes." Immediately the stranger lifted her off her feet and into the beginning of the first dance. The music was so loud; she wasn't sure if the stranger had said something until the song was over. He asked the question again. "my name is will, what's yours." She replied. "my name is Maggiena but you can call me Maggie." Will looked impressed by the fact that her name was different to everyone else's.  he was staring at her now. He touched the side of her cheek. She tensed with such surprise of his swift movement. "how old are you?" he asked. She immediately replied "seventeen, how old are you?" "seventeen." He answered and then smiled with such delight. "I must go." He said. "but I would like to see you again." "how about the secret garden in the forgotten forest?" she asked. "deal, how about I meet you there at 7:45am?" he asked "agreed." Maggie was in such shock with what she had just agreed to. But she was definitely looking forward to it. Sam had returned almost immediately as will left. He looked a bit puffed out as though he had been running. But she knew it was because of all the dancing he had done. "who was that?" asked Sam. "oh nobody." Maggie replied hesitantly. Sam looked with curiosity.

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