Morning part 1

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When Maggie arrived home after the masquerade she couldn't stop remembering the way will had looked and how he had spoken to her with a deep and calming voice. She thought to herself that she doesn't even know anything about him except for the fact that his name is will and he is seventeen. Tomorrow I will find out more about him, she thought to herself as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

In the morning Maggie awoke with a sudden rush. She had tossed and turned all night wondering about which side will was from and if he was her soul mate but she knew she was thinking too far ahead of herself. She hopped up out of her bed got changed into her essential outing gear. She put a fighting blade, invisible bow and arrow and a demon gun in her belt and then covered it with her long baggy top. You never know when a pittletwit will magically pop up out of nowhere, she thought to herself as she headed down to the dining hall where Sam had been waiting for her for half an hour. "what's for breakfast?" she asked with a lousy yawn. "scrambled eggs and toast." Replied Sam with a mouth full of food. Every morning this is how they greeted each other. Waiting for her patiently and eating breakfast at the same time. Maggie loved scrambled eggs but hated the toast. So she always made sure the chef only made her scrambled eggs. After having finished her breakfast she went upstairs to her bedroom brushed her teeth and grab the three essential items before leaving the sacred ground that the mansion was built on. These three items were the angel necklace with the ruby inside of it which can track pittletwits and demons from at least two hundred feet away, the sacred sword which obviously gets passed down with each generation of the family bloodline but the sword can kill any sort of demon and pittletwits because only some swords can kill particular things but this sword can kill anything and lastly her bow and arrow which is obviously blessed with the name of her family but this was her favourite item of them all because she was more like the demon/pittletwit killing version of Katniss and also because she learnt how to use it the most and it was always her first choice to pick the bow and arrow whenever on a mission. As she was walking out of her room Maggie saw Marlene going into Sam's room. Marlene was the level two made that the mansion had there were six levels to the mansion so we had eight maids one for each level but on level one there were three maids one for the general cleaning and two for cooking and cleaning up the dining area. When Maggie was finally coming out of thinking land she understood what Marlene was saying. She asked if I knew were Sam was. I replied "down stairs having breakfast, why?" Marlene replied "oh it just that his room has dirty dishes in it and he left all his blades out and you know it is forbidden that I touch them" "it's okay Marlene I will tell him on my way down that he must move them out of the way." She said with a polite smile "oh thank you miss Maggie" replied Marlene with a polite smile. Once she saw Marlene move towards the next room Maggie rushed into her room so she could apply a little bit of makeup which was only used for special missions including the very wealthy or the special events such as the annual masquerades but today she thought that it might be nice to just bring some of the colour out of her skin. So very sneakily she put some foundation on and then applied a quick layer of light red lipstick and then a tiny bit of mascara on to make her eyes pop. She then rushed down stairs and out the front door. She suddenly stopped in her tracks as she looked up to the sky and took in how beautifully blue it was. It was exactly 7:30 and it only took 10 mins tops to get to the secret garden. 

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