Atalanta Drake

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[Atalanta's POV]

I've been trying to send e-mails to my sister, Siri Drake.

I tried my best to inform her shocking news- we had a triplet.

Ever since Siri and I quit the hunt, we went to different paths.
I don't know where Siri went, but I went to a place, just right for a person with supernatural powers.

I'm part of a hero team, called the Xmen.

So here it goes. You see, my parents didnt really send me and Siri to camp halfblood, but to a hunting group.
Siri and I were sent to a goddess named Atremis, because we had a gift to see through mist.

Mist is like a veil, that covers unusual things, from mortals view.

Anyway, thats not our superpower. We control the dead.

Now, this is the story of how I met my triplet.
After being kicked out of the hunt, Siri and I were being chased by a group of gryphons.

We used our gift of shadow travel from Hades.
We survived, but got weak, and fell unconscious.

Finally, when I woke up, I found myslef in a room, full of books. A library?

I was halfway laying down,on top of a warm, bouncy couch. The place smelled old, reminding me of the big house, in camp halfblood. The place was mostly made of wood.

I was feeling comfortable, in front of a bonfire.
Was it.....winter?

Next to the bonfire, there was a window, with snow frosting it.

"You're awake!" Said a voice behind me, that had a german accent.

I looked back, and wondered, should I scream, or stay silent?

There was a guy, who was blue, with a tail. That may sound terrifying, right? Nope. When you saw his face, he seemed harmless.

He smiled, as if everything made him happy. While he smiled, sharp teeth were exposed.

He came closer, and knelt in front of me, while I sat on the couch.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Um....fine" i said. But instead, it sounded more like "uh..huh"

"If your going to ask, Im Kurt Wagner."

"Atalanta Drake." I answered. "Where am I?"

"The X mansion."

Just before I got to react, a girl came inside.
Was that Siri?

And, once again, even before I asked, Kurt called her "Psyche", like the greek hero. It sounded like psycho, minus the "o" sound.

"Omg! Youre awake!" Said Psyche.

After her, a bald guy in a wheelchair came in.

"Good afternoon, im proffesor Charles Xavier." He said, in a british accent.

He smiled at Psyche, and looked at me.
"Young lady, this is Psyche. Your sister."

I looked at Psyche. I wasn't surprised. She looked exactly like Siri and I.

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