Chapter 1

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I sat straddling my duvet, head leaned back on my headboard. My eyes were partly shut and I moaned softly. The warm little rays of sunlight gleams through the curtains of my flat, blinding my near shut eyes.

Pulling my duvet higher, I heard a light knock on the door. "Go away!" I shouted, pulling the pillow over my head. I'm not a morning person.

The door creaked open, my mum's head poking in my room. "Darling, wake up".

I groaned shaking my head, "No, I'm knackered." But my mother didn't give up so easily. She strolled into my room, ripping off my covers.

As the cool air hit my bare skin, I shrieked, grabbing for something, anything warm.

"You have school today, and I am not going to let you miss. It's a Friday so you will attend. That's that".

With one deep humph and a prolonged sign, I pulled myself out of bed, walking to the bathroom.

Stripping bear of my clothes I turned the shower on, hopping into the steamy water. A sigh escaped my lips as the water cascaded down my body. I quickly shaved then hopped out, pulling on the nearest outfit.

This happened to be a pair of black skinnies and a white blouse that had little red flowers at the bottom brim.

Then, pulling on my dark brown sperry's I tied my hair into a braid.

My mom, being quite generous had packed my lunch, gee thanks, and my backpack sat calmly on the table, my paperwork stacked inside.

I grabbed a banana, coffee, and my things, then walked out into the muggy air.

Sipping my warm brown liquid, I made a mental note of what day it was. Friday, December 2nd. For winter, it sure felt hot. Then it hit me.




My hands slipped and coffee exploded, seeping into the ground. Nothing had broken, but the hem of my jeans were slightly damp, and I had no coffee.

How could I have forgotten? Melanie and I had been looking forward to this day for months. Years even. Our school, a curricular based academic only scholarship school, had become considerate, and announced every five years, they'd provide a concert, in the schools gymnasium. This year, there was a suspicion going around that it wouldn't be some old lame band, but instead, One Direction.

Of course, Melanie and my hoped were way over our heads, but it filled us with pure joy. As you can see, Melanie and I were huge 1D fans, and the thought of seeing them in concert was mind blowing. Not to mention autographs afterwards.

The old stale smelling bus clanked up, and with an excited aura of me, I jumped on.


With a sharp squeal the bus purred to a stop, and I ran off, bumping into Melanie. Her face was an ashen gray, eyes blown up wide.

Her words were muffled between puffs of hyperventilating. "O-one d-di-dire-direction, h-here!"

Us being us, we hopped up and down, fan girling to the extreme.

Suddenly Melanie froze, her hands stiff. I followed her gaze to see a large red tour bus pulling into the school parking lot.

Mr.Gruff, our principal, motioned us into the school, but I couldn't help but stare at the bus. The bus that held my idols. I bit down onto my lip, a scream threatening my lungs.

It was as if a dream come true.

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