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I woke up to the sound of my alarm and looked at the clock, it was 6am. 'Nooooooo' I groaned as I got out of bed and walked through the dark corridor to the bathroom. I turned on the bright lights in the bathroom and looked into the mirror when I finally realised. I'm getting adopted today! I quickly shower and clean my teeth and run back to my room to get changed and pack.
It was 10am when I was finally ready to go and the nerves were kicking in, I don't have a very good history with men so I was really worried about living with two. Will they hurt me? I thought about all the horrible things that could happen and suddenly had the urge to be sick. Just as I was finishing being sick and cleaning up I heard the door bell ring. Oh no I thought, they're here.
I slowly walk down the stair and towards the door, so scared I was shaking and open it.

Joey's POV
We walked up to the orphanage hand in hand and I look up to Daniel smiling. 'I can't wait to see her!' He said with a big smile on his face.
"Me too, but I can't help being worried about us as parents. She is a 12 year old girl, she will be going though all sorts of changes and we have no experience on how to deal with it all!" I replied with an anxious look.
"No one is ever prepared as parents-trust me, we will be fine" Daniel reassured me whilst squeezing my hand.
I nod my hand and take a deep breath before ringing on the doorbell.

Daniels POV
Me and Joey stand on the front step whilst I hear shuffling and footsteps from inside, soon the door opens and a young girl who looks very small for her age and has brown hair and blue eyes appears. She is looking down at the floor and seems really nervous.
"Hey sweetie" I say to her getting down on her level. "Are you Poppy?" I ask.
"Y-yes" she whispers slightly backing away from me. I move back a little to give her some room, I don't want to scare her.
"I'm Joey and this is my husband Daniel, we're going to be your daddies!" Joey tells her "can we come in?"
"Sure" she says as she opens up the door for us and lets us in.
God this orphanage looks horrible I think to myself, such a shame she lived here for so long.
Suddenly an older woman rushes towards us, pushing past Poppy.
"Hello, hello! My name is Miss Right and I believe you have met Poppy, all we need to do now is for you to sign these papers and you can take her away" she says quickly. She doesn't seem too care much about who takes the poor girl I think to myself. I'll always care and protect her I say to myself.

Adopted by Joey and Daniel (Janiel fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن