Seeing Red...

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I woke up really late and wondered how on earth I managed to sleep for so long before remembering we had only arrived home from Hawaii the evening before. I hear Daniel and Joey's voices from downstairs and I decide to get up and ready. As I'm getting ready for a shower I realized I felt a little odd 'down there', like a weird wet feeling...

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed when I saw blood. I heard hurried footsteps coming up the stairs and into the bathroom.

"What?! Are you okay? What happened?" Joey and Daniel say.

All I can do is look down at the stained underwear on the floor, Joey and Daniel look too and gasp.

"OH MY GOD" Daniel says scaring me.

"Sweetie, do you know what this is?" Joey says softly.

"N-No, am I going to die?!" I cry

"No, no sweetie-its perfectly normal!" Joey says giving me a hug.

"You got your first period, princess! Congratulations!" Daniel says hugging me too.

"My period?" I question

"When girls become a certain age..." Joey begins "They bleed for about a week every month and it means that they can have a baby"

"Not until they are much, much more grown up though" Daniel cuts in quickly and Joey gives a little chuckle.

"Sometimes you might get a sore stomach during or before the week but when that does happen, just tell me and daddy and we will get some medicine to help with the pain" Joey tells me.

"And remember Poppy sweetheart, you can talk to me and daddy about absolutely anything, don't be embarrassed about anything" Daniel says giving her a kiss on her head.

"I have one more question" I ask shyly

"Anything" Joey says

"How do I... um... catch the...blood...?" I ask my face turning red.

"haha don't worry dearium, me and Joey are going out right now to get some stuff for you-okay?" Daniel says

"Thanks so much for helping me daddies" I say and give them a hug and a kiss each.

"Anything for our precious Poppy" Joey says

Joey's POV

We get in the car and head towards our local Targett shop to get some feminine products and other stuff for Poppy. I feel a little bad that we hadn't already prepared her for what was coming, I guess we thought she already knew what a period and stuff was. Daniel and I park the car and head inside walking aimlessly around the aisles and stopping every so often to look at various things.

"Why don't we make up a That-Time-Of-The-Month Box thing for Poppy to cheer her up a little?" Daniel suggests.

" liked filled with tampons and pads?" I ask, a little bit confused.

"No! We can fill it with chocolates, a hot water bottle, some cosy pjyamas and a movie or something. Is that what girls want on their period?" Daniel says.

"I'm not really sure... God being a Dad is hard sometimes... Shall I ask Nicole?" Lucky I am close with my sister, I think to myself.

"Yeah, that's a good idea!" Daniel says

"Okay, why don't we go to the cafe and get food and I can phone Nicole there?" I suggest pointing towards the cafe.

Joey and Nicole on the phone:

Joey: Hey Nicole!

Nicole: Hey little bro, whats up?

Joey: Well you know how Poppy is 12 years old...

Adopted by Joey and Daniel (Janiel fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now