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Daniel's POV
"Poppy sweetheart, wake up, come on sweetie-it's 8am" I say shaking Poppy awake.
"Can we not just start lessons tomorrow?" Poppy groans going deeper under her duvet.
"Afraid not honey, come on I'll carry you downstairs"
"Fine" she mumbles sleepily and collapses into my arms.
I sit her down at the island and we eat our breakfast together whilst the dogs go out for the toilet. Today is the first day of me homeschooling Poppy and I'm nervous-what if I teach her wrong?!
"DADDY!!!" Poppy shakes me into life again, I must have been daydreaming.
"What? What's wrong?!"
"Nothing!" She giggles "you were day dreaming again!"
"Not again!" A man's voice sounded from behind us.
"Daddy!" Poppy cries out giving Joey a hug.
"Morning sweetie and good morning to you too Mr Dreamy" he chuckles looking at me.
"You're the one who slept in today so actually you were dreaming more than me!" I fake pout
"Oh hush pig" Joey says giving me a kiss on the neck.
"I'm gonna leave you two alone for a bit and go get changed" poppy giggles from beside us
"Okay sweetie, down here in half an hour though-yeah?" I tell her looking at my watch.
"Sure" she says and she skips off upstairs.

Poppy's POV
I skip up the stairs and start to get ready for the day, I'm super nervous because I didn't really go to school much when I was younger so I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do. As I finish getting ready and start to get ready to go downstairs, I begin to panic a little-what if I am too stupid?! I stop my panic attack quickly though when I remember that both of my daddies love me so much and wouldn't ever make fun of me or be mean to me if I couldn't do something.
"Poppy sweetheart? Are you ready yet?" Daniel calls from downstairs.
"Coming!" I say as I pick up my pencil case and notebook that was sitting on my desk.
We go into the office where Daniel had laid out all of the supplies and endless amounts of binders and folders, mainly his teaching resources. We start to work a little on maths and I find that actually I am not that far behind, I'm smarter than I think!
We work all the way until lunchtime without even realising the time, homeschool was so much better than normal school.
"Okay I think we have done everything we needed to today, good job kiddo!" Daniel says giving me a kiss on the head.
"Am I going to be doing anything with Joey?" I ask
"Aw yeah, he might do some film lessons or something with you after lunch maybe but we have covered everything that is required-the rest is just additional" daddy tells me.
Just as we are packing all our supplies up there is a knock on the office door.
"Come in!" Joey calls
"Um hi Mr Preda, I was just wondering if Miss Graceffa Preda could come for lunch now?" Joey said as he pretended to be someone delivering a message to a classroom like in a real school.
"How dare you ask for her to go for lunch boy!" Daniel plays along "what is your name boy?"
"Uh Uh Joey" he says pretending to be scared and speaking in a little boy voice.
"Detention!" Daniel shouts at Joey and I burst into laughter. He turns to me "and you too!"
"Uh! Rude and disrespectful!" I say swishing my hair and walking out the room.
"Oh no you don't!" Daniel says as he chases me around the house as he and Joey tickle me till I beg mercy.

Joey's POV
I meet up with Daniel and Poppy for lunch after they finish with their studies. The house was so quiet without  them being all crazy like usual today but I know it's a lot better than Poppy going to school.
"So... Who wants to film a video?!" I shout as we start to wash the dishes.
"Meeeee!!!!!!" Poppy shouts back.
"Danny boy?"
"Yeah sure"
"Daddy, what are we going to film?" Poppy asks
"What about a daddy-daughter tag? That would be so cute" I say

"Ah good day everyone! So today I am joined with Mr Daniel and Princess Poppy and we are going to be doing the daughter tag. So we are going to be doing a 'which dad knows me better tag' to begin with and then at the end we will do a little Q&A"
We finish up filming and then Daniel suggests we go and see a movie so we all get ready and head to the car.
3 hours later
"Omg that movie was amazing!" Poppy babbles as we walk out the cinema, all of us holding hands.
"What was your favourite part?" Daniel asks. We both look at each other and smile as we watch our daughter chatter away about her favourite part in the movie, she looks so happy and carefree and I'm so glad that after 12 tough years for her she finally knows what it's like to be loved and have a proper family.
Suddenly my phone rings, it's my manager.
Joey: hello?
Manager: Hey, I'm really sorry this is so last minute but there is a red carpet event and you have been invited, we are really sorry we forgot to tell you earlier.
Joey: yeah sure, when is it?
Manager: You would need to be here in 30 mins, we can send a cab if you want?
Joey: well actually I am currently out with my husband and daughter
Manager: oh Daniel and Poppy?
Joey: yeah
Manager: don't worry, they can walk the carpet too, straight after you
Joey: let me talk to Daniel, two minutes
"Daniel?" I call
"Yeah?" He says walking over to me, checking on Poppy behind him
"I have been asked if me, you and Poppy will walk the red carpet tonight, do you wanna go?"
"I'm fine with it but do you think Poppy will be?"
"Let's check"
"Poppy sweetie, me and daddy have been asked if we want to go to the red carpet with you tonight- do you want to go?" Daniel says getting down on her level
"Will you guys be with me?"
"Of course sweetie, you will always be right with us"
"Okay then!"
"Great!" I say before returning to my managers call to let her know we are coming.
We quickly get into a cab and they take us to the red carpet, I'm excited but nervous because the press are going to be there so they will be taking photos of Poppy.

Adopted by Joey and Daniel (Janiel fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now