one; hypothesis

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Her hazel eyes shimmered in the moonlight, her ebony hair blew in the wind. I could smell her perfume that was spritzed onto her. This is it, I thought to my self: our very first kiss. I had taken her to an Italian restaurant since it was our two year anniversary, and now we were out on the terrace. There were dozens of fairy lights strung everywhere and it was romantic. 

I pulled her closer to me, and placed a gentle kiss onto her lips. She was stiff as a board, frozen in her spot. There weren't any sparks or fireworks, as I had imagined. I felt awkward. I felt as if I had just randomly kissed a stranger, and most definitely not my girlfriend of two years.

"Let's go." She said, slinging her purse over her shoulder and heading down the staircase to the parking lot. She huffed and marched away, her eyes hiding her emotions. I followed her. I was so confused. What did I do wrong? I sighed and followed suit, not sure of the outcome of my move.

I tightened my grip on the steering wheel, focusing hard. If I let my emotions take control of the wheel, we wouldn't be in a very good situation. Smackle sat in the passengers seat, her arms crossed across her chest. I read her face for any sign of her thoughts. Pointless.

I pulled up to her house and she hopped out, slamming the door. Well that could be bad. I hopped out and followed her to the door. "Smackle," 

She spun around, flinging her hair against my face. "You! If you figure out what happened tonight, let me know!" And with that, she slammed the door on my face.

I groaned and hopped back into my car. Why, why is love so complicated?


What did I do wrong? You'd think that after two years of dating, and her being what she called 'head over heels' for me, I could kiss her. I felt my eyes well up with tears, for what seemed like the first time in forever. 

Then it hit me. We were missing something: chemistry. There were never sparks, fireworks or even butterflies. It felt, strange, almost. See, in science, we are too alike. We don't really repel each other, but we never had anything bigger. No explosions, no fire, no craze. 

I needed to talk to someone, someone that I could trust. Riley Eleanor Matthews.

My feet couldn't carry me fast enough. It was midnight and I was terrified of the alleys at night. I climbed up the fire escape. 

Tap, tap, tap. No answer. Tap, tap, tap. 

I sighed and started down the fire escape once more when I read music blaring in her room. I looked into the window to see a dancing Riley, hopping on her bed, singing into her brush.

"Give it to me, I'm worth it

Baby I'm worth it

Uh huh I'm worth it

Gimme gimme I'm worth it

Give it to me, I'm worth it

Baby I'm worth it

Uh huh I'm worth it 

Gimme gimme I'm worth it"

I chuckled at the sight, even though she looked adorable as always. She was wearing her favorite pair of unicorn pajamas and bunny slippers. Her hair was thrown into a messy bun.

I decided not to be a stalker and to just climb in and sit quietly. I slid open the window and instead of being quiet, fell in head first, causing Riley to shriek and grab a pan off her dresser.

She spun around, ready to whop the intruder. "Settle down Rapunzel! It's just me!" I said in a hurry, throwing my arms up in surrender. 

"Farkle!" She hissed, her hands on her hips. "How long have you been here?" 

I smirked. She looks so cute when she is mad. "Long enough to see my cute Riley having her own personal dance party to Fifth Harmony." 

She giggled nervously and then sat down. "Want me to get you ice, for your face?"

"No, no, no. I'm fine." I chuckled. "I needed someone to talk to, so I came here."


"What's on your mind?" I asked, trying to pry the information out of him. 

He just was silent, which only meant that his little Farkle brain was spinning. He finally looked up at me. "Define chemistry between two people."

I scrunched up my nose, thinking of an answer. Why was he wondering this? Something has to be going on. "Chemistry is when two people go perfectly together. No matter what situation, they click. While some other forces can go together okay, they go together like kryptonite."

He still just sits there, nothing said. I can tell somethings up with him. I am his best friend, after all. "What happened?" 

"I took Smackle out to a romantic dinner tonight, for our two year anniversary. I thought that because she trusts me, and we've been dating so long, I could kiss her for the first time."

My eyes widened. "You haven't kissed?"

"Exactly." He shrugged. "She just froze and then she shoved me away, grabbed her bag and marched to the car. She didn't talk, and when we got to her house and I dropped her off, she yelled at me that if I figured out what happened, to let her know."

He sighed and I knew that look: he had figured it out. "So, you figured it out, didn't you?"

"Yeah," He grumbled. "We were missing something: chemistry. There were never sparks, fireworks or even butterflies. It felt, strange, almost. See, in science, we are too alike. We don't really repel each other, but we never had anything bigger. No explosions, no fire, no craze. And, most definitely no kryptonite." 

A stray tear rolled down his face and I pulled him into a warm, genuine hug. "I'm so sorry."

"No, Riley, it's okay. I don't want a relationship that there isn't anything good in." 


She looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes, trying to comfort me, and she did. 

"So, what are you going to do?" She asked as my head lay on her shoulder. 

I lifted my head. "I think that breaking up with her would be best for us both." 

"Do what you think is best, Farkley. You can talk to me anytime." She smiles and pulls me into a hug once more. "I think you should get going. It's one am, we have school, and if my dad heard us, you'd be dead." 

I chuckled at the thought. It was true. I climbed out the window but stuck my head back in once more. "Thanks, Riles. Goodnight."

"Anytime." She laughed, locking the bay window.

I sped home, on my feet of course. I ran into my room and hopped into my bed. My thoughts were going wild, just as they have for the past three years.

Tomorrow, I am going to do it. I am going to break off my two year relationship with the only girl that has ever shown interest in me. But, it is important to met to have those sparks. But, who will I have those with. 

Riley's words echoed through my mind. "Chemistry is when two people go perfectly together. No matter what situation, they click. While some other forces can go together okay, they go together like kryptonite."

There is only one person I click with: Riley. We click so easily. I just wonder, if she actually loved me, if we'd be kryptonite. If I kissed her, would it be an explosion?

[a/n; hey, thanks for reading chapter one, everybody! i am so hyped about this book; it is going to be so so so good! please, please vote on this and comment what you thought.]

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