[Undertale AU]Overtale Chap 1-Old Home, New Friends

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MC- Hello all my Beautiful people. I am MCDrakers and this is my new fanfiction that I am creating titles "Overtale". It is about what happened after the monsters leave the underground and will be an outstanding series. I shall give a sneak peak and say that characters such as W.D.Gaster and even Chara will eventually make there way into the plot but that is for the future. This will be posted on Fanfiction, Wattpad and even Deviantart. All links to these sites will be found in my Bio/profile of the website you are reading on. I hope you enjoy, thanks for reading.

Chapter 1- Old Home, New Friend

His white round head had a serious face with closed eyes. He took a deep breath and shifted his arms that were in his jacket pockets. He opened his eyes to reveal two white dots in his black eyes which appeared to be his pupils. He was looking at a house, his house. He was Sans, the skeleton.

"Sans?" a female voice was heard yelling from the distance.

Out of shock his Left eyes suddenly flashed a blue light but as he recognized the voice his eyes reverted to before.

"Frisk, what are you doing here," Sans said not taking his eyes off the house.

"I was looking for you, Sans," said the girl. She was a bit shorter than him, just enough to have to look up if they are next to each other.

"You have boxes to carry don't you," He still didn't take his eyes off the house, "I would expect it to take a human a while."

"Yeah it did," She said walking next to him with a big smile, "About an hour to be exact."

"An hour?" Sans asked finally taking his eyes off the house, "have I been here that long."

"Gonna miss the place huh," she said now realising he had been there for the past hour.

He sighed but said nothing.

"Don't worry Sans, you can check up every once in a while. And the apartments up there are-"

"That's not it," he interrupted.

Frisk stopped and looked at him with a somewhat shocked expression. She was worried about him.

"It's the humans," he said, "I just don't think they'll accept us as easy as you think."

Frisk understood. Humans were naive and tended to fight anything they didn't understand and she knew this. There were no facts she could give to him, support was the most she had.

"Well, they might," She said trying to see if this little comment might change his view.

"But it might not," He replied once again turning towards the house.

"We won't know if we don't try," she said and this peeked his attention. "I know it isn't the greatest chance, but it's better than just staying underground when the barrier is broken. Plus you are powerful. You should be able to fend for yourself."

He smiled at this and then turned to her, "Okay, Frisk. Let's try"

"Hey guys look what I found," a powerful feminine voice was heard.

It was Undyne out of her battle suit. He skin tight black tank top and such. In her hand was a sunflower, but not just any sunflower. It was Flowey.

"Let me go!!!" the flower yelled wiggling in her hand. The voice was raspy and dark and echoed slightly

"Flowey?" Frisk asked shocked to see him.

"Flowey," Sans said as his left eyes flashed blue as he stared straight at the flower.

"Sans," Frisk said looking at Sans' eye.

"Frisk," Sans said calming down as he closed his eyes.

"Yeah and I'm Flowey now that we are done with the introduction can we get this fish off of me!" he said, his voice became more calm but the echo continued.

Undyne ignored him and spoke to the two, "He's harmless, caught him off guard. Happens he can't move through the earth if he isn't connected to the soil, so he's safe with us as long as he doesn't touch the ground."

"I doesn't matter if I touched the ground," Flowey said turning to face Undyne, "You already ripped my roots off the ground, How would you like if I tore off your fins, fish"

"So he can do nothing as long as he is off the ground," said Frisk. Undyne nodded and a smile spread across Frisk's face.

She took a boot out of her bag and scooped up a bit of dirt to place inside. She then grabbed Flowey from Undyne and placed him inside. Flowey tried to stand straight but with no roots to keep him stable he kept tipping over.

"I'll take care of him. I talked to him earlier, after everyone was released," Frisk said remembering the speech he gave about leaving the world how it was. "I think I can keep him in check."

"So no one is going to ask my take on this, I will kill each and everyone of you," Flowey said right before tipping over in the shoe. Frisk and Undyne Giggled but Sans didn't.

He didn't trust Flowey, this was no surprise but if Frisk trusted him then Sans was willing to give a little freedom to the demon flower.

"So, Undyne, did you dig up any information before getting to the root of this one," Sans said finally calming down and sprouting a smile.

"Ah, shut up smiley trashbag," Flowey said giving up on any means of escape without roots.

Frisk and Undyne began laughing at the tension between the two.

"Okay boys, lets go," Frisk said as she took Flowey and began walking towards the exit soon being followed by Undyne.

Sans took one last view of his house before taking a deep breath and following behind his two friends....and a potential new one.

MC-Wow, that was fun. I hope you enjoyed reading. I know this isn't the longest chapter but I'm staring a bit slow until I get in the swing of things. I hope you enjoyed. For references to the voices of each character here are what each voice sounds like.

Frisk- Frisk Voiceacting. by Trin Lily

Undyne- [Undertale + Voice Acting] UNDYNE!!! NGAAAAH!!! by Timber Puppers

Sans- Stronger Than You (Sans Parody) by djsmell

Flowey- [COMIC DUB] UNDERFELL: The Ruins ARC: A Different Kind of Flowey by The True Child

These are the voices I am using for the characters in my story so for reference just look at the videos. Just type the names in YouTube. The underlines names are the channels that made them. Sans' voice acting is part of a song but I just believed the voice fit so well that I still gave it.

I would like to thank them for making these wonderful voice acting for these characters.

Good Bye, love you all

[Undertale AU]OvertaleWhere stories live. Discover now