[Undertale AU]Overtale Chap 2: Old Friend, New Home

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MC- Oh my lord! So many people are reading my story, it has been just about two days and I have so many views. I especially want to thank my people on fanfiction, you all especially. Since I have so many views I would like to invite a friend of mine that some may or may not remember. Welcoming, Drake Flame

Drake- Hello, Hello. I am Drake Flame, Alpha Osmosian and legendary charmer *wink*

MC- Yeah. So he will be my Co-Host from here. And every chapter from here on will have guests stars. So if you guys want to see any guest stars just post a comment or review about who you want. Enjoy.

They stood at the tunnel where the barrier was once. Now that there was no barrier the light shone in to a great extent. The light was a light some had never even seen before. A light that you could only see at the cave in the ruins, pure sunlight. Even Flowey, who live under that sunlight was amazed by the fact that they would be leaving the underground.

All four of them looked at each other and took a deep breath as the all walked out together.

The light was a light they haven't seen in a while. For the first few seconds all they could see was white. As there sight clearly adjusted the first words they heard was"Are you kidding me! There are more of them!"

Their sight was fully adjusted now and they now say what was around them. There were two groups. The group of monsters next to the boxes containing everyone's belongings and a group of humans armed with machetes and other chivalrous weapons standing between the monsters and their city which could be seen just over the forest from Mt. Ebott where they stood.

The groups were silent both standing in utter fear of the other.

"15," Sans said, "if needed I could take them"

Frisk turned around to see that Sans eyes have gone black.

"No Sans," she said putting her hand on his chest, "to defeat them, we cant be like them"

Sans looked at her and took a deep breath. He began to realize how much more tense he was since the barrier was broken. If it wasn't for Frisk he would of probably did something he would regret.

It was quiet and tense for a bit until one human broke the ice. He was a male of a large build. He stood at about 6 feet and held a machete in his hand. He wore jeans and a white T-Shirt.

"What is wrong with you guys, these, these, creatures are going to threaten our ways of life" he said. It was clear that he was as scared as them, but his fear was what drove him.

"No they aren't," Frisk said to him. "They are just like us, fearful and sentient. They wont harm you"

The humans began murmuring to each other, since Frisk was one of them and all. But the large mean from before wasn't phased.

"Don't let your guard down!" he yelled, "for all we know that poor child is brainwashed, or isnt even a human at all"

He held his weapon and grunted."if y'all wont fight ill prove it to you. For the human race!" He screamed charging straight towards Sans.

His sword was held by his side as he charged full throttle towards the monster. His sword swung forward in an attempt to cleave him down when suddenly he stopped.

Sans looked at him with a straight face. A small heart appeared in front of his chest and it became blue.

"What, did you do to me," he struggled to say,"I knew you were just a monster"

"He, did nothing," an old voice said from a distance.

Suddenly the large man was thrown back to the human group and fell to the ground with a huge thud.

An old man came from the forest with three men behind him. He walked with a staff which glowed a powerful blue. He wore a blue robe and had a large white beard and white hair. The man around him all wore formal work tuxedos, possibly bodyguards.

"I will not allow you to harm them," said the old man, "Arnold, I made you the head of the guards because you were smart. Use your intelligence"

The large man, Arnold, said "What? Grand Wizard, they are monsters, they will kill us."

"None of you are as old as I am, trust me, they as a whole are as harmless as humans," the Wizard said walking towards the humans, then greeting the monster king"Asgore"

"Lanthos" Asgore smiled greeting the wizard.

"These monsters will be invited to the grand hall so I can converse with them" Lanthos said looking at the humans. "Go home, and Asgore bring three with you. The grand hall is the biggest building in the city."

He then turned and left along with all the humans except one. Arnold stood there for a second looking at the monsters, then he turned and left alone.

"Thanks Frisk," Sans said, "I trusted you, and everything worked out"

"Ill be honest, I thought you were the one to do that to him," Frisk said thankful of the wizard, Lanthos.

"For a second, so did I," Sans said then he cracked s smile, "I just hope he's not in his blues about the situation"

All the monsters were busy getting there stuff including Papyrus and Undyne. So only Sans and Frisk were there to laugh together but then Flowey's head shot out of Frisks Backpack.

"Oh god that was terrible, you really are a bone head," he said with a devious smile.

"Ha nice one," giggled Frisk. Sans glared at him, but couldn't contain the laughter and began chuckling.

"Okay you little pest, you got me there" He said with a sly smile, "but ill get you back, and i still hate you" he then turned to get his stuff.

"See, isn't being good fun," Frisk smiled. Flowey rolled his eyes and went back into her bag, he didn't want to admit it, But he was having fun after all.

Frisk then walked over to Asgore, "who was that" she asked, referring to the wizard.

"Id rather him tell you himself, lets say he is an old friend," Asgore said lifting a box with what seemed to be his belongings, "by the way, I am inviting you and Sans to the great hall along with me and Undyne"

"Oh, okay. Well be there" Frisk said knowing that Sans would want to come.

"Good" he said with a smile. Then he left with his boxes. Prior to these events, Frisk had used the gold they had in the underground in order to pay rent in an apartment. It was new apartment so the rooms weren't taken and the monster were practically had the whole building for themselves and the few humans who had already taken refuge. They'll be so shocked when they go to greet their new neighbours. Maybe they'll think its a furry convention Frisk laughed thinking to herself.

She then grabbed her small box and head towards the apartment.

MC-Well that was chapter two boys and girls. Hope you enjoyed. Remember you all are free to comment any ideas for this book. I will consider all comments.

Drake- I know he posted not long ago but trust me he wont post this frequent, maybe once a week.

MC-Yeah guys, the reason its so close is because it is the first few chapters and the reason it will be about once a week is because I have school

Drake- Yeah and your a lazy bastard so that's something

MC- Shut up, why did I add you here

Drake- Because without me all your "fans" would leave

MC- I'm going to ignore him. but yes guys Thank you very much for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter and the series that follows. Have a nice day and...

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