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The rolling girl is always far away,
In her dream world she longs to stay,
There's so much noise buzzing round inside her head,
All the worries never end,
All the worried never end.

"No problem" is so easily said,
But now, is there any meaning left?
She fails once more; fails once more,
After searching for the odd one out in the crowd,
She starts spinning again.....

One more time; one more time,
"I think I will keep rolling on today too."
And So she says, so she says,
Making sure that each of her words are sincere,

"Are you okay?"
"No, I'm in a daze"
Trying to escape, but I just don't see the point.
Maybe I should just stop.....

A rolling girl feels she has reached the end,
The colours blend, and can't be felt,
All these voices are fighting to be heard,
They're all merging into one,
They're all merging into one.

"No problem" is so easily said,
But now those words have no meaning left,
How will I stay on the right path?
Even the hill's are tempting me to stray from what's right,
Make mistakes that I'll regret.

"One more time; One more time,
Somehow I will find a way to keep rolling"
So she says, so she says....
Making sure her silent words are sincere.

"Are you alright?"
"Just give me some time
and I will do something about all of this soon
You'll see when I stop

One more time; one more time,
"I think I will keep on rolling on today too"
And so she says, so she says....
Making sure each word is said with a smile.

"Are you okay?"
"Yes it's okay.... You must be sick of all this so let's go"
And I will now stop myself from

Rolling girl- cover by Zoozbuh

Losing Myself AgainWhere stories live. Discover now