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"What'd ya like to eat?" Eren looks at me, not a hint of emotion in his facial expression, well, unless if boredom is one.
"Anything." He looks back at the signs that had pictures of what you call food, and I face him, in order to do that I stand infront of him and look up. "You okay?" He looks down at me and smiles, the happiness not reaching his eyes,"yeah, I just...", he tries to form words, I insist on not breaking eyecontact, I'm sure it's what's making it hard for him to think. "You just?"

"Zoned out." He exhales a breath I didn't notice he was holding earlier, a deep breath.

"You looked like you were going to say something bigger there." He furrows his eyebrows and smiles,"What? No I wasn't." He keeps looking at me, with that expression on his face.

"Okay, then. But I knew you were." I mutter, and turn around to look back at what We came for in the first place,"I want a cheeseburger."

After Eren decides to finally function and buy some food, we pick a table in the middle of the creatures named humans, and I look at food like it's a bomb that's about to explode, while Eren starts to eat his two floored burger. I finally decide to take a bite, which felt like it was a forbidden thing for me, and surprisingly it tasted good. In fact I was almost done with my food ten minutes later. I wonder why I don't feel like puking today..

Maybe because I actually spoke to someone, and that someone is sitting right infront of me.

Heat spreads through my face as I take my last bite.

"You know..? You're blushing." Eren smirks and puts a hand under his chin to support it on the filthy table and looks at me.

I stare blankly.

"And you, my friend, have ketchup on your face." I fake smile sarcastically, as I point at him with the tissue that I got from the brown bag. Eren looks caught offgaurd for a while and then he explodes with laughter.

"JESUS FUCK HEHEHE OMY FUCK I CAN'T..", he starts hitting the table and hyperventilates, with that ketchup still over his face which made it so hard for me not to laugh. He looked like a mentally retarded clown, with fake blood over his nose. My hands were tired from staying in the air so I just kept the tissue to myself.

"I'm serious about the ketchup."

"Yeah yeah dude. Whatever..haha."

I hold my phone up and take a picture of him to show him I wasn't lying, and turned my phone to his face,illuminating a hint of light over his facial features,"see?"

"Well, remind me to never eat ketchup again." He starts touching his nose to remove the ketchup as he closes his eyes and raises his eyebrows, as if he was removing the hair between his eyebrows, he looked like my great grandmother.

"Just take the tissue."

"No way, it's probably dirtier than my face."

"Whatever, mad clown.."


"An insult." I murmur and start placing the now empty sandwich carton containers in the brown paper bag, not paying any attention to the flustered Eren staring at me in the background, a bit of ketchup still on his face. I stand up.

 Pretty Lies (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now