|Part 7|

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//Mia //

"Yo Ellie!" I shouted "We gonna hit the mall tomorrow with the Koreans"
"YAS OMG I CANT WAIT" she jumped up and down
"Wait don't you have a job interview in an hour? Dude go bath yourself and I will choose your clothes"
"OMG I totally forgot. Stupid Stupid stupid" she said and rushed to the bathroom


"Fighting!" i said and raised my fist
"Fighting!" Ellie replied and left the room

I was bored to death after watching 6 episodes of the new drama "W" and it was literally amazing. Not knowing what to do I picked up my phoned and dialed the number

"Yo let's go for coffee I am bored" I told Jeonghan
"Um, I have a girlfriend" he said. Is he dump or what?
"I said coffee, not hardcore banging at the elevator jeez man. I don't want your babies" But is that true?
"Okay coffee it is. Old place in an hour"
"Kay deal bye" I said and handed up

Once I reached the shop, I went in and found Jeonghan already sitted. He was wearing a sky blue sweatshirt and casual jeans with black trainers. And as Mia I never greet people properly

"Hey Jeonghan are you married yet?" I said punching his shoulder
"Stop it stop it stop it. No we didn't get married. But we will"
"Wow you seem rather dedicated. Good one" but something started sinking inside of my chest. No, I was happy about him. We became really good friends.

//3rd Person PoV//

That morning the dorm was drowning in chaos. The boys were all rushing upstairs and downstairs finding clothes so they can leave the dorm quickly. It was their day off and they didn't want to miss a minute.

Outside the mall the two girls greeted the boys and they all went in.
"We will be leaving first" said Wonwoo and grabbed Ellis by her hand and linked their fingers together. Everyone stared wide eyed
"What?" She said
"Um nothing. Have fun" Seungcheol said and when they were nearly seen everyone bursted out laughing.
"He is totally into her man" Vernon said
"I will be the godmother everyone back off" Mia said and left the group so she can go and buy something she needed front the electronics. And Jihoon followed her. She immediately understood.

"Do you need something Jihoon?"

"I never got the chance to apologize properly for what happened and the fusion I caused. I am so sorry"

"You are really bad tempered but I guess you have another side as well. Show it more often. It suits you" she smiled kindly

"Doyouwannagooutfordinner?" He mumbled

"Ahahaha so shy you are. Yeah it will be fun"

A light crimson spread across his cheekbones and he smiled

"All right then I will let you do you job."
He flashed a smile and walked away

Vernon and Seungkwan from the other hand were living their hopeless  love story.

"Cmon accept my confession already" Seungkwan begged

Vernon stood speechless. He loved Seungkwan. He felt like every good thing in his life involved Seungkwan. His only answer was a peck on the older's lips. He pushed back his feelings for a while to focus on their debut. 1,5 year. Strong heart.

Seungkwan smiles and looks at him with those brownish eyes that made Vernon melt. But he still won't admit it. He then lean towards him and kisses him, thing that blew Vernon off. It was so intense and passionate and Vernon wraps his arms around Seungkwan's waist until...

"Ewwww get a room" Minghao (aka cockblocker) barked at them
They were making out at the middle of the park next to the mall.

"And you said you were not gay " Minghao said pointing at Vernon

"Boosexuality is not a right, it's a privilege" said Vernon
"He is at it again" Said Seungkwan and dragged him away from the park leaving Minghao and Hoshi laughing

It was almost 5 o'clock and no one had seen Evelyn and Wonwoo

"They are trying to make babies leave them alone and go find the love of your life. All of you. Now" Mia

"I've found her" said Jeonghan and took a step closer to Mia "I mean she is that way" he immediately said after realizing what he stated and started power walking to get away. Every one was giggling
"Stop guys. It is not that funny"

Ellie and Wonwoo  were sitting at a bench sipping coffee and showing eachother things when she fell his breath close to her face as he exhaled nervously. The moment she went to look up to him, he cupped her face in his hands and their lips locked. But he immediately breaks the kiss

"Um...about that..." He says rubbing the back of his neck
"Shut up" the girl says and stands on her tiptoes to reach his lips for another kiss

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