|Part 11|

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⋅Jeonghan's pov⋅

This is life. The one moment, you feel like flying and the other you are crushing onto the ground. But you know. She was right. We didn't have something serious yet. But I wanted to. But I don't thing fate wants me to.

She lifted her face from my shoulder and her eyes were puffed from crying. I felt like crying too. But I didn't understand why she makes such a big deal about it.

"Why are you crying like that?" I tried to sound as caring as I could without showing that much of sadness, afraid she might cry again.

"Stupid" she murmured under her breath. "You know," she started off and she regained her snobby looks. "The truth is, that I like you. From when we went to that cafe. Or then when you stopped Jihoon fist from meeting my face. And thanks for that. And that kiss, was to thank you the proper way, and the way that I thought could satisfy you. And I've been holding back. " She stopped to take a breath and I stood there speechless. I tried to talk


"No I am not done yet" she cut me off again. "And, I just couldn't imagine that asking directions could cause so much trouble. I will hold a better GPS next time. Sorry for that. And to be clear. I am leaving tomorrow. And good luck with your career." She said flashed a smile to me waiting for a response

"I don't want you to forget any of this" I managed to say. And I feel my eyes feeling with tears. "I will be waiting. For that damn internship. And study hard to get this internship. In Korea" I said and closed her palms on line watching her face softening "We can try again. Cmon try. For all of us. For Ellie , who lives here. For a better life"  I sounded disappointed. But then she started to tear up again. And when the first muffle was about to escape her lips, I cupped them on mine and felt her tears running on my cheeks.

And it sooner got easier  for her to keep up with the rhythm my lips were moving,meaning that I silenced her crying once more.

⋅3rd person pov⋅

They ended up on a warm embrace, staring at eachother with adoration. Those 30 seconds made them forget that they run out of time. It was 11 o'clock and night had fallen. In less than 9 hours, the plane will take off, and everything will be over. We all said that we will remember someone who we got unattached from. And we all forgot them.

"I haven't packed yet." Mia said "I have to go. Please let's keep in touch. Please" She begged. Even if we don't want to show it, our feelings can't stay hidden forever

"We will do our best. It's one year." They boy said

"It's one year" she replied and left his bedroom

The dorm was empty so she walked out without any problems. She walked two blocks until her friend's house and she knocked at her apartment door.

"How did it go?" Ellie asked her
"Fine. I have to go to the hotel and pack, pick me up at 7:00am from the hotel.We have to get there early" She said and left without any other worlds

Mia reached her room and collapsed at the bed. Everything that happened the last 2 hours flashed her mind like memory cards. Those we use one medical exams. She started packing with her heart heavier than a gravestone. But she had to have a job. She had to study. She wasn't sure she will be able to remember everything from here.

Getting into the tab and closed her eyes while sinking to the bottom. How beautiful is it that someone could make your heart beat so fast when you don't want it to beat at all.


'Cause you can't jump the track, we are like cars on the cable
And life is an hourglass glued on the table'

I reached my phone and snoozed the alarm. Opened the window and gazed for a bit. The town was still sleeping and I felt like I was the only awake creature. But then I remembered people stay awake when they can't silence the screams inside their heads, when they can't fall asleep because their parents are screaming to eachother, when the sound of the beer hitting the floor and the shrapnels spread all over it is their only lullaby. And that's when you realise how harmful is a heartbreak. It is unfair.

I checked out and got into the car with Evelyn singing shit like "Eat jeans and open your rice" which I found entertaining. No of us spoke too much.

"Coffee?" She asked
I nodded in response.

We reached the terminal. We walked around shops until my flight was announced and we proceed to the check in point. When I pass these desks, Korea is left behind me. And Elliry. And Jihoon. And Everyone. And Jeonghan..

"Take care. Okay? Update me on EVERYTHING. College, job, boys. Skype everyday at 10 as last year" she said and gave me a tight hug.

"I will miss you" I said to her. "Come visit bitch" I said and turned around to hand my ticket to the assistant when I heard a fuss going in behind me. As soon I turned around I faced a face I wouldn't be able to forget in the nearest future.

Jeonghan pulled me.out of the waiting line and kissed me. In front of the whole airport which was full of people that knew even the last lyric of his songs. People gasped, other squealed. But I didn't mind and neither did he. It was a moment that seemed to jumped out of a movie. The whole world stops around you, and you can feel eachother heartbeat to the maximum.

It is true. Airports see more sincere kisses than wedding halls

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