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She looked in the mirror at the boy's eyes. "Warren..." She repeated as her voice trailed of. Her eyes glimmered from realization "Warren." Becca's hands traveled across the dashboard. "Alright, you're creeping me out." He sat back into the seat more as he glanced at the girl. "Where do you even live?" Her hands moved back to her lap, fiddling with her thumbs. "I can't remember. I can't remember anything. I'm sorry." Warren sighed taking out his phone, "Ten and two!" She shouted at him. "Alright! Just checkin' a message..." "That doesn't fly here. The only flying we'll do is out the window if you keep taking your hands off the wheel." A smile sprouted across his face, he couldn't help but laugh. "Good one." She smiled then impatiently sighed "Are we there yet?" He smiled again brightly "Yes actually."

Warren parked the car. They both walked over to a pub, he was already waving at two people. "Wait... I can't drink. I'm under aged." "How old are you?" "20..." He narrowed his eyes at Becca "You're only a year younger than me, you're fine. I'll split one." "Huh?" He rolled his eyes before walking into the bar. Becca had watched him go in, she hesitated before opening the door. Once Becca walked in, she spotted Warren was already sitting down talking to the bar tender. She slowly walked over to him and sat down. He looked at her as soon as the bar tender went to making drinks. "You ok?" He asked lighting a cigarette, she sighed before sliding her hand across her face. "Not really." He nodded looking at the liquor on the shelfs. "You'll be ok." She felt like he meant it but didn't at the same time. "You think so?" He bunched up his nose before speaking "yeah." His eyes met her's. "You're a punk kid aren't you?" She asked. He smiled at the girl "Thought you'd never notice." The bar tender slid down two drinks. He walked away to the back of the bar talking to his regular customers. "They don't ask for ID's here?" He shook his head "Nah, it's laid back you know. They know me, I know them." He smiled at her before sipping his glass. Becca looked down at hers, she had never had a drink before.

The boy looked at her. "Don't like it?" He asked looking at the drink, "I've never had one before." His eyes lit up. "Really? Well I guess by how stubborn you are. Try it." He said smiling. "I don't think it's a good idea." The bar tender carefully glanced at the hesitant girl. "Don't wanna draw attention." He shot back. She looked back at the glass. Picking it up, she smelt it. It reeked of beer. Becca looked at Warren who was already finished with his. She quickly took a sip. Slamming the cup down, she starred making a face. He laughed. "It's not that bad." She nodded "No, it's worse-..." She took another sip, it was longer, making another face looking back at him "but I'm thirsty." He nodded "alright."

Warren stood up. He left ten dollars on the table. "Where are you going?" She asked looking up at him, drinking more out of her glass. "Leaving, what's it look like?" He walked out with saying goodbye or anything. She stood up and finished her drink quickly smacking it down in front of the bar tender then ran after Warren. "Wait!" She yelled. "What?" She wiped her face from the residue of the drink. "Why are you leaving?" She asked standing in front of his car, both her hands immediately placed on the hood. "I said you needed a drink, so I brought you here, I told you my name, you don't need to go to a hospital either, so I'm going home." She narrowed her hazel eyes at him, he looked away from them. "You can't just leave me in the middle of nowhere, I don't know this town! I don't know where I am!".

She almost slammed her fist against his car hood but paused. "What do I do then? If you go?" He looked back at the girl standing in front of his car. He moved it in reverse and caused the girl to fall forward onto the gravel. Warren shrugged looking at her face. "Sorry, but I can't help you there." He drove away leaving her on the ground. She turned away from the car and yelled "Shit!"

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