Chapter 1

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The light beam directed through the window and dust motes dancing in the beam like tiny fairies. A long yawn escaped her. The thought pleased her fuzzy mind and caused her to snuggle down in blankets. Then, she sat up. Misaki shifted, groaning as she clutched her throbbing head. Weird, she thought. Last night event was nothing but a blur. There is one thing that she remembered was having a sake... a lot...

She blinked her eyes blearily, trying to recall and figure out what had happened. Where she was and what was going on now. As her vision cleared, she almost had a heart attack. Her eyes widen when she saw a familiar spiky brunette male across the bed. She couldn't believe why that guy in the bed with her and not only that, they also wore the matching kimono robes. Could it be that he did something 'wicked' to her last night? Just thinking about it makes her blush of embarrassment. But there even more surprised that she had a golden band on her fourth finger... a wedding ring...

"Hey, Tokura." said the spiky brunette as he just waking up from his slumber.

"Y-Yes..." she shivered as he began to getting closer to her.

"What time it is?"

"I-It's 8:28 in the morning." the lilac beauty replied. "H-How can you be so calm that you're in the bed with a women?"

"You mean with a women like you?"

"Can you explained me about this ring?"

"What ring?"

"This ring! And you've a same one as mine!" she was furiously blushed. Then, she holding his hand as she showed his golden band which a same as hers.

"What?" he shocked. She gone blushed again when he grabbed her wrist and started the analysis on her fingers. He didn't said a word, but he only stared on her fourth finger with a wedding ring on it.


This story lines mostly are not mine.

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