Chapter 4

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Tonight, the spiky brunette had took a long bath. When he finished, he went out of the bathroom and drying himself. Now with his appearance being in there sent a shivers down on her spine. The lilac locks gone blushing and looked away when she saw him, only in his trousers. She's quickly went to the bathroom as she's accidentally slamming the door. After bathing, she's already put on her pajamas and went to the bedroom.

"Oh, you're here."

"What's the matter, Kai?"

"You'll be sleeping in my room and I'll sleeping in the guest room." The spiky brunette gave her the straight answers.

"Eh? Are you sure?"

"It's no big deal.Well, goodnight."

"B-But I can't do that... otherwise I would feel bad about taking your bedroom too..." The lilac locks replied with felt guilty. At first, he told that she had marriage to him, which she couldn't recall that. Then second, he had prepared dinner earlier. And now, his own bedroom.

"Then, what we should to do? Shared a room?" The spiky brunette gave a small suggested.

"I-I don't think..."

"Well, I don't mind sharing a same bed with a woman that I married to..." said the spiky brunette as he crossed his arms and now with his eyes closed.

"Oh-man... I didn't know what I was getting myself into... It's alright! As long there's was a pillow between us. Beside, what went go wrong, right?"The lilac locks whispered. Before she knew, the spiky brunette has already in bed and later asleep. "Don't tell me that you slept already?"

The lilac locks begin to checked on him, which he had slept or not. She had moves near him a bit and looked down at his sleeping face. It's seems to be calm and peaceful when he was a sleep, she thought. Like if nothing happened to him. She had gazed at his sleeping face for awhile. She let out her breath as her shoulders sank. She never thought that she could touch that spiky brunette hair of his.

The lilac locks suddenly froze and stopping what she had doing. Then, she slid beneath the blanket, tugging it over her. She was blinking her eyes repeatedly,enough for she went into a huge slumber.  


I still looking for the next scene of the story line...

So, enjoy... =}  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2016 ⏰

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