Chapter 2

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"We need to see a lawyer." said the lilac locks.

"Why?" the spiky brunette asked as he stood in front of her.

"You know 'why'? We need to get a divorce!" she replied. She started pacing back and forth with biting her lips. For a second there, she thought she going to bite him because he was slept in the same bed with her. Like a marry couple, which makes her madly blushes.

"Divorce? Where did that come from?"

"I don't why we're end up this marriage. But there's no other choices... We've to divorce!"

"I object..." said the spiky brunette.

"W-What? Why?" the lilac locks was stunned confused. He only avoided her question by changed the subjects.

"From now on, you'll stay with me. Your stuffs are already at my house."

"My stuffs?" she asked.

"Seem to me that you're really forget the all thing, haven't you?"

"Forget? What exactly do you mean?" the lilac locks asked again, wondering about this issues.

"For an eidetic memory person like her can be forgetful alright. Mmm... maybe because of the..." he thought in his mind. Trying to think what actually happens to her last night. A few second later, his mind been snapped as he's back into a reality. "Forget it..."

"Hey? What's wrong, Kai?" the lilac locks wondering, what was lies in the minds of his. Then, she saw him as he started packing all his clothes in his suitcase. "What are you doing now?"

"Well, since 'our honeymoon' didn't exactly going to plan. So, I decided that we went home early."

When the spiky brunette mention her about their honeymoon, her both cheeks are keep blushed and blushed again.


After finished packed, they went to the hotel front desk for a check-out. One of the employment asked the lilac locks about their first wedding night together. She only said 'it's fine' and trying to avoided another question as possible.

The worst wasn't finishes there. They both remain in silence, even in the car. The lilac locks still feel awkward around him, even she only looked at the window. Not only that, she don't know why she immediately started to feel anxious as her heart racing even faster.

"W-What wrong with me? Why I got a feeling that something wasn't what I've in mind?" she thought. A few moment later, her blue eyes immediately stared at him. His face. His green eyes. The exclamation was so quiet not even he would hear as she whispered, "Oh, my God! What's wrong with me? Again..."

The spiky brunette still focused on his driving. Suddenly he saw her as she looked away quickly.

"What's wrong?"

"Err... nothing..."

"Do I look a bit difference to you?"

"Well...err... a bit... I guess..." said the lilac locks as she playing with her hair.

"If you getting bored, how about you take a nap." said the spiky brunette. "It's going to be a long trip. And I'm also not good in any conversation, as you've already know me thought."

"Well, okay. If you said so."

"Or that is... you wanted to stared at me as secretly again..." he smirked at her.

"W-What? No! I-I just...err..." she couldn't believe that she's stuttered badly. Then, she took her turquoise shawl for her bag as she wrapped herself with it. "You know what? I better take a nap! So, good night!"

The lilac locks closed her eyes and pretended to be fast asleep. The spiky brunette secretly smiled and he continued on his driving once more. A few hours have passed by, they've already in their destination. The spiky brunette about to waking her up, but it's better that he carrying her when she still asleep. 


This story was getting intense... 

Can't wait what happened next?

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