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josh entered tyler's house with his eyes gaping. his parents must be rich as hell, or they know how where to spend money. tyler tossed his bookbag on a couch that was nearby, glancing over at josh who was still taking in his surroundings.

"now i know how ron feels next to harry," josh looked back over to tyler with a grin on his face. "but i'll never react like ron does."

"isn't that from harry potter?" tyler questioned as he turned on the television that sat above a fireplace.

"yeah, it's one of my favorite series along with the narnia ones as well." josh smiled as he reminisced on his first encounter with the books. "are you prepared for me to beat you in rainbow road?" josh settled himself in the floor, and smirked up at tyler. "i know i'm ready for you to be destroyed."

"we'll see about that, blue boy." tyler returned the smirk as he got everything set and ready for them to play mario kart.


"what the heck is wario's problem? he needs to chill before i wreck his lil' motorcycle and he dies." josh had been in first place, but wario had bumped into him and knocked him off the space themed map.

"if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen."

"well, there is a thing called a fridge in the kitchen. usually helps with keeping things chilled."

"i don't need the smart ass-ery from you, blue boy. plus, i'm about to win."

"you know what? in the next round, who ever wins can make the other person do one dare with no excuses."

"just one?"

"you wanna up the wager, joseph?"

"let's go for three."

"fine. it's a deal. three dares, no excuses."

The  Cream Team {Joshler} (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now