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"tyler if you don't back away, you will feel my wrath!" the two boys had been watching netflix when tyler had accudentally tickled josh. josh had made the cutest squeak, and tyler found it hard to resist the temptation of tickling the smaller boy over and over again. josh didn't like being tickled because he hated the way he laughed, and touching any where near his stomach was a bad thing to do. tyler had managed to corner him in his kitchen, a smile on his face.

"what? i'm not going to tickle you, j. i just want a hug!" tyler whined, and opened his arms for a hug.

"you have broken my trust, so no hugs for you!"

"what if i put my arms by your neck instead of your sides?" josh pondered this for a second before cautiously moving towards the traitor. tyler slowly inched towards josh before enveloping him into a giant bear hug. "i may not tickle you, but i will give you the roughest hug!" tyler laughed, and picked josh up. he wouldn't release the hug, and brought josh to the couch and dropped him on the piece of furniture.

"you no longer have my trust at all!" josh's face was pink and he stuck out his tongue. he had used a lot of energy to try and escape tyler's grasp, but it only left him feeling listless and panting. his hair was a ruffled mess as he sat up of the couch after his stomach let out a long growl.

"do you want to order pizza?"

"i thought you'd never ask."

The  Cream Team {Joshler} (DISCONTINUED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt