chap 1

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 I am  really  surprised  that  almost  six and  a  half  years  passed  until  my  happily  ever  after  night  of  triumph. My  nerves  still  get  excited  at the  sight  of  Edward  and  I really  feel incomplete  if  I  am away  from  Edward still  now. It’s like a part of me is missing if I am away from him. And  my  Nessie,  oh  Renesmee  is  still  my  treasure  and  Jacob  is  taking  good  care of  my  treasure. She moves, he moves. She cries and he dies. Life  was  so  perfect that  I need conformations  that  this  is  all  true  yet  the  dry  ache  in  my  throat  often  reminds me  it  is all  true.

                 Our  hunting  trip  is rather  a  fun  trip  or  like  a  family  picnic. Jacob  was  very  happy  few  weeks  ago  that  Nessie  had  her  first  clean  hunt. It was  a  deer, Edward  and  Jacob  were giving each other a high five.  It  is surreal  for  me  to  accept  that  Leah  called  Edward family.

               Little  did  I expect  a  twist  in  my  happily  ever  after, but  it  is  nature's  rule  that  if  things  are too  perfect,  then  there  is  a  disaster  that  awaits  you.

Renesmee’s POV

I  woke  up  after  a  good  deep  sleep  I  got  after  hearing  a  horrible  lullaby  from  Jacob,  actually  it  was   cute.

"Good morning Nessie, “came my dad's teasing voice. Damn I was once  again  caught  by  my  father , thinking  about  Jacob  in  the  mornings. I  flashed  my  charming  grin  to  my  father  and  he  lifted  me  effortlessly  in  his  hands.

"Dad, it is unnecessary. I am like sixteen and you can't lift me like a child" I complained scowling.

"Edward don't do this to her this early in the morning. See how she is scowling, put her down" came Jake's voice lightening my mood up and my lips automatically curved into a smile.

"Hey good morning man" dad wished Jacob.

"Good morning" Jacob replied as I threw myself over him to hug him and a spark flew through my spine and it was pleasurable.

"Hey your hair has grown again" I said as I brushed his hair with my hands and I felt sparkles in my hand every time I did that.

"Bella loves it this way. Anyway never mind her; I will be getting a cut today." That's the difference between me and my mom. She loves Jake with long hair, but I love it when it is short, though I don't hate my mom's taste either. As I was lost in Jake, I heard dad scoff teasingly bringing me back to reality. It is really getting embarrassing now-a-days because of the weird feeling I am getting and the thoughts I am having in the presence of Jake.

"Mom is  gonna  kill   you  if  she  hears  you  ignoring  her  like  this" I  said  as  I  asked-

"Hmm. Dad, where’s mom?" 

"Just preparing for Nahuel-Leah's wedding with Alice,"-dad informed me. It’s  been  a  crisis  since  Leah  laid  her  eyes  on  Nahuel.  Leah was an anti-vampire believer. She, herself, was  devastated  to  find  her  imprint  to  be half vampire, that also is a venomous one. She was  blocking  him  out, which put her through a nightmare. Leah's  actions  hurt Nahuel really bad, so he was about to  leave. And then Leah was all dramatic, asking for his hands.                     

     He happily  took  her  hands,  but  they  had  lots  of  compromise  to  be  done. They  had a lot  of  problems,  which Jacob and I didn't have to face. Billy was terrified to have two half vampires in the family, but, like my Jacob, took things cheerfully and celebrated. It took all these years for Leah and Nahuel to sort out their difference. They had a hell of limitations since both could easily kill each other. It  was  like  my  parents’  tale  but  my  mom  had  a  choice which they  didn't.  Still they are totally happy with it. Leah turned Nahuel into a vegetarian vampire in a single sight. Nahuel acted like a very controlled vampire. My dad said he has more control than himself, it seems. He even tried to survive on human diet only.

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