Chap 2

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Two months passed since Leah and Nahuel's marriage. There pair was like mine and Jacob- a half vampire and a werewolf pair. It is really strange that Leah imprinted on Nahuel in spite of her hatred for vampires, though it cannot be helped. But for us, it was not the case. Though Jake didn't like vampires that much before I was born, he didn't hate as much as Leah did, thanks to my mom. Though I don't know much of that story, I got some hints here and there from Rosalie and Jake. Jake's reason for his cooperation with the vampires was my mom. But why? What was my mom to him before he imprinted on me? Why...

"Ahm,  Nessie your mom is searching for you."-my dad interrupted my train of thoughts. I looked at my dad for some answer to my thoughts as I was sure he heard them but he just continued- She wants to take you to Charlie's place."

"Dad, aren't you coming with us?"- I asked puzzled because we three used to go there together sometimes accompanied by Jake.

My dad smiled a crooked smile, he hugged me and said-"No dear, I have some work."

I was still confused. Why in the world, would he ignore us for any other work. Is there something wrong? Some danger perhaps?

My dad replied to this thought-" No dear, there's no need to worry. Everything's fine."

"Ok, I'll go and see mom."- I announced and left that place. How strange, what important job he has which prevented him accompanying us. He is very protective of me and mom. How nice it would be if I could read his mind too as he reads mine. My mom called me-

"Renesmee dear, it's been long since we visited grandpa. Let's go."

Something was different in my mom's voice too but I silently climbed onto the car. As soon as we were little away from our house, I sighed in relief. Dad won't be able to read my mind now. What is it? Why dad and mom acted strangely. Then I remembered something else too. It was not only my parents but Jake and Alice too acted strangely two days back. They both were talking in whispers and as I got near them, they stopped abruptly. What is it they are trying to hide from me? Is there any danger? The only known danger to me is Volturri. Does that mean that they had planned to attack us again? The thought gave me a shiver and it didn't went unnoticed from my mom.

"Renesmee, are you ok?"-my mom asked concerned.

"It's nothing mom, I am ok."- I replied as convincingly as I can. I think she believed and we talked about our next hunting trip and its location. Within some time, we were at the driveway of Charlie's. His cruiser was parked there. We knocked the door and Charlie opened it immediately. He wasn't surprised. Maybe he knew that we were coming. Seth was also there. Seth usually visits Charlie with Sue. He also often visits dad and Jacob too. He was the only werewolf which I knew, who didn't had any hatred thoughts towards vampires even in his past. He kind of regarded my dad as a hero. He is very friendly towards me too. Charlie and Seth greeted us. Then we talked about Leah and Nahuel.  Seth was planning to pay his sister a visit next month. 

 "Bella, you and Edward can also come with me. We can take Nessie too with us. Leah says that Nahuel has special affection for our Nessie."- he said.

"Sure. We are grateful to Nahuel. He saved us all."- my mom added.

This sent me thinking about my experience with Volturi when I was a kid and I started worrying again. Is Volturi coming again for us? But if they were, why would everyone hide it from me? They gave me a nice idea of what was coming when I was small, then why would they hide it from me now when I could handle it better this time. So perhaps it is something else. But what?

"Bella, how is Alice."- grandpa asked mom. He had a soft corner for Alice. She was his favourite.

"She's fine dad, as usual she is bugging me to wear designer dress."- my mom complained.

"Aunt has a good taste, I like her selection."- I defended Alice. My grandpa smiled at me and my mom nodded. Then we were indulged in gossip. Charlie and mom didn't talk too much. Mostly both were replying to Seth's questions and criticizing the information he gave. Seth and Charlie then started watching some baseball match which was damn boring. I only like to play baseball with my family. After about three hours of our arrival, mom took leave of Charlie. We were returning to Carlisle's place when the phone rang. My mom attended the phone in a flash and replied-"Yes, we are about to reach." When I looked at my mom for answer, she turned away as if she didn't notice me. Surely she was hiding something. I started to worry again. Finally, I decided how I felt to my mom. She was the safest person as dad won't be able to read her mind until she wishes and if dad knows about my worries, he'll be doubly worried following me everywhere, reading every thought of mine and employing Jasper to calm me. But mom kind of understands me. So I called my mom and without saying anything, pressed my finger in her cheeks. I showed her the strange behaviour of Alice and Jacob the previous day, dad's refusal to accompany us today and now this phone call. I also showed her my worries and fears. At first my mom looked shocked, then smiled at me. She put her one hand around my shoulder and said-

"Darling, there's no need to worry. Volturi has nothing to do with this. You are worrying unnecessarily. Everything's fine. Just relax."

I had to believe my mom as she spoke so convincingly. Also my mom is very bad at lying. I'd know if she lied. So I smiled at her and nodded. Soon we reached Carlisle's house. All my aunts and uncles were there planning the next baseball game which lightened my mood. I tried not to think about it any more as I had no privacy with dad around. Carlisle was in his study room and Esme hugged me and inquired about Charlie to my mom. Jacob was nowhere to be seen. Then after some time, dad, mom and I returned to our cottage. Tomorrow we are going to hunt with Alice and Jasper. Others are going to hunt today.

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