Chap 3

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Next morning, we went to Carlisle’s house. Emmet and Jasper were playing chess. I saw them playing for some time careful about not thinking too much about Jake. He was missing for such a long time but I was not entirely successful. So I asked my dad who told that he will come after our hunt. Emmet and Jasper’s match got over and Jasper won. I doubted that he cheated with his abilities.

Alice and Jasper also accompanied me, mom and dad. We went to deep into the forest which was far away from Seattle.  As usual, I was followed by mom and dad while hunting. Alice and Jasper went a further away. I let go of all my human senses and the vampire in me overtook me. I sniffed the air and followed the smell of some animal which smelled delicious. Within some time, I was very near the animal. There were few deer within a foot. I crouched low and jumped, landing next to the largest deer. I caught it and drained it of its blood. Before the others had time to act, I caught other deer and drank from it. The deer near it escaped a foot away while I was killing it. I was in midair when something appeared out of thin air between the deer and me. I landed smoothly in the ground and a growl escaped from my throat. I heard my dad’s scream-“NESSIE”. The next moment, he was crouching in front of me facing away from me. My senses returned to me and I observed that it was a boy and I was shocked because he wasn’t a vampire. Next moment, my mom too was there. She too was tensed. I saw the boy’s face. He was about 16 with brown eyes and jet black, untidy hair. He was looking shocked and puzzled. He was looking between me, the dead carcass of deer and my dad. It seemed that he was going to take something from his pocket when my dad growled loudly. My mom put her hands on his shoulders. Alice and Jasper also appeared there. Jasper immediately went behind the boy, with just a foot distance between them. Alice blurted out-“Edward, what’s going on? I saw him attacking you. Who is he?”

Hearing this, Jasper went near the boy, catching his hands. The boy struggled effortlessly to break free from his grip. I think he was trying to reach his pocket again and again. I was wondering what this stupid boy was trying to get from his pocket- a stone to throw on us or pepper spray? He would be really stupid if he tries such things. But just then something else struck. He was nowhere near when he suddenly appeared in front of me. How could that be possible by a mere human? Was I so drawn by thirst that I didn’t notice him?

Seeing the boy struggling hard, my mom said- “Jasper, please don’t hurt him. Maybe he didn’t mean to hurt us.” Hearing this, the boy turned towards my mom looking confused and surprised.

Jasper retorted- “ But Bella, Alice saw him attacking.”

“Jas, cool down. Bella is right. He won’t attack us now.”- my dad said standing straight.

Jasper turned towards Alice.” Yes, he changed his mind for now.”

Jasper loosened his grip and said- “But he knows our secret. How can we let him go?”

My dad smiled crookedly and replied-“He won’t be able to tell.” All of us including the boy looked at dad looking confused. It was strange that the boy was not that scared as he should be. Instead confusion and surprise was bigger part of his expression.

My dad smiled and said-“ He is a wizard.”

All of us gasped loudly, the boy too. Then he asked surprised- “How do you know?”

Before my dad can answer, Jasper straightened from his crouch but remained close to him and said-“Its none of your business. Now answer my questions. Who are you? Why did you come here?”

He looked reluctant. Then he turned towards my mom then back and answered-“I am James Sirius Potter. I came here searching my cousin George Weasley.”

Jasper said-“But how can we believe you? You even thought of attacking you.”

So strange. Though we belong to a mythical world, I didn’t know that wizards and witches really exist. I was staring at the boy who was in turn staring Jasper.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2014 ⏰

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