Chapter 1: Typical Saturday

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*Jen's POV*

I wake up with a pounding headache and sit up and look around. I'm in Lana's apartment. Ah another typical Saturday. I slowly get off the couch and walk into the kitchen where Lana was dancing to the radio.

"Morning." I said tiredly.

"Morning." Lana said cheerily.

I roll my eyes and scratch my bed head. How can she be so cheery in the morning.

"How long do I have to get ready?" I ask.

"Uh about an hour." Lana said and I nod.

I slowly walk into Lana's bathroom and take a nice cold shower to wake me up. I then get changed into some clothes and walk into the kitchen where Lana is now eating cereal.

"Did you sleep well?" Lana asked and I shrugged.

"I was drunk how am I supposed to know." I ask and Lana giggles.

"True we both where. Let's just hope we didn't do anything illegal." She says and I chuckle.

"Let's hope not." I said and grabbed an apple.

Lana and I practically live together. Usually during the week Lana spends the night with me and on the weekends I spend the nights with Lana. We are like best friends.

"Can we go threw McDonalds?" I ask as Lana and I walk out to her car.

"No." She says.

"Why not!" I say pouting.

"Because I said so, and I always end up paying!" Lana said getting in her car.

I roll my eyes and get in.

"I'll pay." I said and Lana sighed.

"Fine." She said and I cheer.

"Hooray!" I said and clapped my hands together like a two year old.

After we go threw McDonalds we arrive at set. Lana and I walk to her trailer and set our stuff down.

We then walked to the makeup trailer and got all fixed up. Today we are only shooting a few scenes so we'll end earlier then usual.

After we get our makeup done we run into Ginny.

"Hey Ginny!" I said and she glares at me and Lana.

"What?" I ask.

"You two came to my door at 4 am asking for Cotten Candy." She said and I stifled a laugh.

"Are you serious?" Lana asked.

"Yep, and Josh had to escort you back to your apartment." Ginny said and I burst out laughing.

"It's not funny!" Lana said.

"Okay sorry." I said calming down.

"Yea you should be! It took Josh about and hour to get you two to go back to your apartment!" Ginny said and I start to laugh agin.

This is funny because we live right across the hall from Josh and Ginny!

"I'm so sorry! We will go apologize to Josh now!" Lana said dragging me away from Ginny.

After our scenes we apologize to Josh. Then the four of us decide to go out to lunch and hang out. So we all drive to Olive Garden and sit down.

"So how's life?" Josh asked and I shrug.

"Same old same old." I said and he nodded.

"How Oliver?" Lana asks.

"Oh he's just perfect. He's with my parents for the week." Ginny said and Lana nods.

After we eat and talk we all head our separate ways. Lana and I head up to her room and turn on the tv and watch tv.

Next thing I know I hear soft snores. I look down and see Lana asleep with her head on my lap. I smile softly at the sight.

I think I might have feelings for Lana!

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