Remember Summer - Chapter 1

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Through the open window I could tell that the season has already changed from spring to a warm and bright summer. I closed my eyes, relishing the crisp and fresh summer scent and letting the old memories flood me.

I remember your warm smile as the warm summer breeze touches my face. It was one of those days that the bright sunshine reminds me of your dazzling eyes. It was the most memorable summer of my life. The summer when I met you.


It was a typical diner scene. People talking to each other. Some in serious conversation while others were joking around and laughing at each other. There were families with parents trying to reprimand their children, who can't seem to stay in one place. There were groups of teenagers hanging around since the school's out for the summer. There were also few couples, who were in a lunch date, and of course, the lone wolves, who just wanted to be left alone with their newspaper.

A typical sight. Nothing exceptional especially for Noah. It was just another day, he thought while taking the order of a couple seated near the entrance. Not that he was complaining. Really, he was happy and content. It was his first day of summer vacation after surviving the grueling semester in the university. Although he was here at the diner instead of going to the beach, he was glad to help his family's business. The diner was relatively small but the townspeople love it here because of the homey ambiance and the ocean view. And since it was summer, it looked like the people (including a few local tourists) have nowhere to go but here or to the beach. His parents needed extra hands, so here he was.

"One chicken breast burger with fries on the side and one veggie burger," he repeated the order. When they nodded, he turned away, contemplating why would someone order a veggie burger when there's a perfectly good, mouth-watering, diner's special beef burger.

'Well, who am I to judge other people's preference, right?' he thought, when there was a sudden blast of warm air. Thinking that someone just entered the diner, he looked back at the entrance to greet the new customers.

He first heard her laugh. It was sweet, joyful and carefree. He didn't know what it was, but something made him fully turned to look at the source of the laughter. It was coming from a young woman, a bit below his height. She was with a little boy, who was talking animatedly. He peeked to see her face but as they passed him, he couldn't see it because she was looking at the boy she was with.

Right then, someone shouted from the counter that made him unfreeze from where he stood. Remembering the order of the couple earlier, he walked away and went to relay it to the kitchen. Once finished, Noah craned his neck to see where the newly arrived customer were sitting. He finally saw the little boy but the young woman, whom he was inexplicably interested in, was facing against him. Hoping that nobody took their orders yet, he made his way to their table.

"Hi! Welcome to the Seymour's Diner," he greeted cheerfully. The boy smiled but when he moved his gaze to the boy's companion, he was not prepared for the full impact of seeing her. It was not just her face, though he admitted, she was beautiful.

Her eyes, which Noah was sure,  slightly squinted like she was about to smile to him (the waiter), widened. He really didn't believe in love at first sight or anything like that but as soon as their eyes met, he could not deny that he felt the instant connection. There was no explanation of what happened, it just did. And he could tell that, she felt it too.

There's a few seconds of awkward silence and to ease it, he cleared his throat and asked them their orders, "What can I get you?"

Breaking their eye contact and realizing that she was staring at him made her shy. "Umm... We're not sure yet." She slowly tucked her hair behind her ear, looking at menu and avoiding his gaze.

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