Chapter 3

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Now let's fast forward for a minute and try to figure out exactly what I did when I got that phone call on that fateful night that changed my entire life. For the past few weeks, everything had been going just fine with me and my family- I tried my damnedest to keep a soft dick around Shamara, and almost paid her no attention because of my happiness. After OnStar pinpointed my son and wife's locale, I went to the scene, only to find them hauling the both of them away in two separate rigs, and a paramedic screaming at me that I could find them at the county hospital.

It was ironic that Ayeonna used to spend most of her time there, and all it made her do was go right back to spend even more... but this time it was against her will. James, Maurice, and their families were called, and everybody showed up and turned out. Even my mama was in the ER shaking like Jello to find out what happened with her daughter-in-law and grandson. Everybody waited on hands to know if they were okay. Shamara came out for moral support since we had become real good friends over the last month or so, and she said she didn't need me being alone at a time like this. Shit, I wasn't alone, but I damn sure felt like it. I couldn't keep my feet from pacing in the waiting area, just anxious to see my family, feeling like they could've been stripped away from me at the sound of every single buzzer or beep that went off, until Shamara placed a warm, gentle hand on my shoulder and looked me dead straight in the eye and said, "You have to stay strong for them, Jayden. Even when the doctor comes out here to tell you that you can see them, you can't go back there a nervous wreck. Please calm down." And just like that, I sat, feeling her hand on my back as I rocked, with my fist under my chin. What was taking so damn long? "Johnson," a woman called out.

I jumped up on my feet and looked ahead at one of Ayeonna's friends, hoping she had some good news for me. The look on her face was like she knew there was something wrong, but she couldn't out and say it. "Logan, what's wrong," I asked her. "Are they okay? What's going on?" "JJ needs a transfusion, Jayden," she explained to me, and all it did was make everybody in the waiting area roll up their sleeves. "I tried to take some from Ayeonna, but she wasn't a match," she continued. "She's a negative type." "It ain't a problem, just take it from me. Anything for my son." She nodded and wiggled her finger for me to follow her where I would get my blood drawn. That's crazy because I didn't even know my wife was a negative type. That means if she donated, or lost half as much as any regular person, I could lose her. But I won't lose my son. I'm determined not to. Minutes had gone by; long, painful, dreadful, agonizing minutes I bothered not to even count. Trevor sashayed his way through a set of double doors, right before Logan came back out with a sad and shocked look on her chubby round face. "I need to talk to you," she told me. "What's the matter," Trevor asked her. "If it has anything to do with Jayden Junior, you can discuss it with me; I'm his pediatrician." "I know who you are Trevor," she said with disgust dripping on every word.

"This has nothing to do with you, okay? This is my territory, my scene, my problem, and I'm discussing it with my patient's father." "What is it," I hurried and asked her, pulling her away from the group and the asshole who were waiting to hear some type of news. "Jayden, I don't know how this is possible, or if I made a mistake, but I know I couldn't have because I double checked everything." "Logan, what is it?!" "JJ is not a match for either of you." She might as well had took a sledge hammer and slapped me across the face with it. "That's impossible, you have to-" "Don't worry," Trevor announced, with a cocky ass smile, rolling up the sleeve to his button down. "Everything is fine. If neither of them are a match, I'm sure I am." "What, are you an O," Logan asked him, screwing up her face as if to say she didn't give a fuck about his presence, and he wasn't needed. "No, but I happen to be an A Positive, and after past blood work on JJ, he and I are the same. Stick me and save him." I'm guessing James saw me clenching my fists and rushed over to stand in between us, and Maurice went into his back pocket. All this motherfucker did was just stand there and smile with one hand up, saying, "There's no need for any trouble, gentlemen. JJ will be saved, and you can go about your own individual lives." Then he walked away, with Logan after she rubbed my arm and gave me a sympathetic look. I wanted to body the fuck out of him.

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