Fight! Fight! Fight!

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(Y/n)'s pov~
Me, James, Niall, and cold were walking to lunch when we see hot fighting someone. People were yelling fight! fight! fight! I ran into the middle and try to break but the someone punch me in the face. "(Y/n)!" I hear Cold, Niall, James yell my name. I see Cold. He picks me up and starts walking.

Cole/Cold's pov~
I'm so going to hurt Hikaru for hurting my (Y/n). I hate him. He thinks she's his. Nope she's mine. She's my little angel. No one can have her and no one going to get way with hurting my (Y/n). I take her to the Nurse. "While she did get hurt really bad. It will heal in one week." The nurse say's. Hikaru is so going to pay. She then leaves. "(Y/n) y-you o-okay?" I ask her.  "Yes! I'm okay. Thanks for bringing me here!" She says hugging me. I wish I could kiss her. "Your my best friend!She says. Did she just friend zoned me. I won't be friend zone for long. "Your m-my b-best f-friend to (Y/n)." I say. She then kisses my cheek and leaves. My cheek were red. Now time to think of a way to get back at Hikaru and to get (Y/n) to love me.

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