Chapter 14

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Jennifer's POV

I limped into the gym around eight at night. I had gone to the morning session and helped Laura and then the boys but stayed in the apartment in the afternoon to get work done. It meant that I finally caught up on some of the college work.

Chris and Laura asked me if I wanted company but I turned them both down. I turned on as little lights as possible. I started doing some of the fitness set. I started with the sit-ups and more core strengthening exercises before moving onto arm and grip strengths.

There were a few problems with my plan to get to the Olympics. At best I would get the cast off after four weeks and then have two weeks in a moonboot before the Olympics. I might be able to get a couple of good session using my foot.

I could work on the bars and that would be it. I knew that this was going to be difficult. I finished my sort of set before jumping up on the bars. I moved mats under the bars so that if I fell I wouldn't have to land on my feet.

I jumped up onto the bar and started a routine. It wasn't my actually routine so I just kept going to trick to trick until I wanted to get off the bar. I didn't bother trying any tricks I just let go and fell onto the mat.

I was in the gym for over two hours and a lot of that was fitness. I knew that before the Olympics I had to be as fit as possible to make sure that that was fine when I couldn't be sure about like my technique on an injured ankle.

I was sweaty and tired when I left and the last thing I felt like doing was using my arms to pull myself up to the apartment but there was no other way for me to get there. My cast was starting to annoy me and I'd only had it for a couple of days.

The guys and Laura were sitting around the TV and eating nachos. I grabbed a plate from the bench and joined Chris on the floor after throwing my crutches across the room.

"I am not going and picking those up when you decide that you want them," Chris smirked.

"Yes, you are," I laughed.

I could get Chris to bend and get him to do what I wanted and he knew it too.

"You have me so wrapped around your finger it isn't funny," he whispered to me.

"I love you too."

"You are really sweaty and disgusting."

"You really know how to make a girl feel loved."

"Stop the love fest, it make the rest of us feel unloved," Mason shouted from and couch.

I rolled my eyes at him but we were quiet. I finished the food before kicking everyone out of the apartment so I could sleep.

"Chris, can you help me?" I called.

The thing about casts is you can't get them wet and being on my ankle it is a little hard to balance in the shower with one foot.

We had started to get a good system down but it was still really painful.

"How was your session?" Chris asked me.

"Painful, literally all I do is fitness and some bar work without landings," I told him.

"When do you think that you will be able to get the cast off because this is painful," Chris added.

"I hope at four weeks and then be able to use the moonboot up until the Olympics."

"Do you think that Coach will let you have your place back?"

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